Reviews for BOOM
Claire chapter 1 . 7/3
I just have to say, I REALLY like Aaron! I've read a lot of your stories and love your writing and stories.
Rachel Slaybaugh chapter 1 . 1/23/2016
laughed so much i was in tears
Biichi-gi chapter 1 . 8/11/2014
So, reading the above disclaimers, just exactly what part of the sparkly gay vampire story was based on dubious fact? Hahaha. Incidentally, I feel just the way you do, I infer, about ticks. Creepy little bastards!
LiveAndLetRain chapter 1 . 5/23/2014
BOOM. Explosive way? As the Mythbusters say... "When in doubt, C4!"
And life can always be made brighter by a smidge of Twilight-bashing. I am, for the most part, rather vehemently opposed to anything-bashing just on principle. I make an exception for Twilight.

I like Aaron. Speaking of, I just recently finally watched the Billy Capra episode in its entirety...I don't suppose there is any way you could resurrect him so Nick could kill him all over again? Groundhog Day style? (I loathe, despise, and abominate Groundhog Day by the way. That is a measure of how much I hate Capra.)
I love Aaron. Is he single?
Romanian...tick...HOLY HELL-FIENDS BATMAN! Ticks are...*UGH!* I grew up in a rural area. Ticks were very much a real, common problem for humans and dogs alike and...*shudders* Gross!
Oh yeah, what I was going to say before I got side tracked by the GIANT TICK(!) Poor Nick. Maybe they should just give him hugs everyday?
I love Aaron!
Poor Monroe. He's fixating on the shower the way he did on Nick having a breakdown in his bathroom. Can't say I blame him. *YUK!*
Jabbed with a screwdriver. Ugh, my stomach just did a jumpy/twisty thing. I've seen real tick-bites and can't deal with puncture wounds well. The combination...You are cruel, you know that?
Nick's insurance premium has to be through the roof!
Sounds like agreement to me too.
Gaah! It's oozing. (Seriously, I have no problem with cuts of any size. But punctures...)
Monroe? Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, find something else to geek out over.
Juliette is awesome. She accepts "we had to blow him up" as a normal explanation!
Aaron is hilarious!

Sometimes the tiny ones are almost worse. 'Cause you don't always find them quickly. So you have no idea how long they have been latched onto you.
So...definitely "inspired by" and not "based on"?

Okay. You need to write more so I can read it! I demand it!
*puppy eyes*
Pretty please? I shall live inconsolable until the void in my life is filled with more of your wonderful tales.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/11/2013
want more Aaron! he's so funny.

PhantomPhoenyx chapter 1 . 11/5/2013
*insane giggles* Aaron...oh gosh. High powered explosives...and that last line. He's hilarious.
Guest chapter 1 . 11/4/2013
love aaron! thanks
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet chapter 1 . 10/21/2013
I've thoroughly enjoyed all of your stories. :D Very much looking forward to more. :D
klu chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
Great story.
I'm not surprised that Aaron was in possession of explosives. You've done a good job highlighting his character and with his background, it makes sense.
I also love the fact that Rosalee was mentioned in your 'verse... Hopefully future offerings will include her. Please?
TheRedPenofDoom87 chapter 1 . 6/13/2013
HAAHAHAHAHAHAHA I was both disgusted and entertained by their very in character reactions. I also love Juliette's "Do you owe Wu $20?" Effing perfect!
24681012 chapter 1 . 6/10/2013
Such a fun story! Love the 4 hotties shouting in each others' ears, Juliette completely unalarmed by exploding tick wesen. And Aaron... I have a bit of a huge crush on Aaron. Help. Laughed through the whole story. Can't wait for the next.
1983Sarah chapter 1 . 6/10/2013
OMG, this, was BRILLIANT! Love that you used a legend, used the Grimm/wesen knowledge and transformed it into something that could happen on Grimm! Amazing job!
DarkDamson chapter 1 . 6/8/2013
OMG, exploding Romanian tick-wesen! ROTFLMAO!

I think he DOES owe Wu $50. Sounds pretty much like a vamp to me.
Lillz chapter 1 . 6/8/2013
rofl, i am so glad i'm home alone - i'm sitting here laughing my head off! brilliant ficlet!
PoetTraveler chapter 1 . 6/7/2013
Oh my goodness, so much love for this! Seriously, the banter was so fun. I love how Aaron fits in so well here and how you've given Nick a solid team.

And Juliette worried about Nick potentially owing Wu money because of a bet? So great.

Thanks for posting!
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