Reviews for You Don't Have To Be Alone
quisinart4 chapter 22 . 6/1/2014
This is wonderful. Love you having them go back to their old hospital and remember their friends. And great parallel with him giving her his jacket again as he had in your very first chapter.

(In the trunk of the tree she has carved the initials R.A. and C.P. They are sloppy and the "P" is slightly crooked, but it doesn't matter. It's perfect)
Adorable details. Love his reassurance that she was always one to watch out for.

Awesome work!'
quisinart4 chapter 21 . 6/1/2014
I love this chapter. I think it's so great he can talk to her, and even when he snaps at her,'it's because he knows she's only trying to help him change his mind and make sure he's aware of the choice he's making - but he's already made up his mind. Such a generous gesture on Jackson's part.

Love the little details like how he likes driving with her and how he can see her biting her lip as not to ask what's wrong. Nice job.
quisinart4 chapter 20 . 6/1/2014
Aw this is nice. Poor April's self esteem needs some work, but I love had Jackson is so perceptive of that.

Quick typo:

the hurt the lies just beneath
*that lies

Great work!
quisinart4 chapter 19 . 6/1/2014
("Yeah," I say, "Give my condolences to whoever that poor guy is."
My laughter bounces off the walls of the enclosed room when her jaw drops open in surprise. She recovers quickly and, instead, whacks me with the back of her hand.)
It's gonna be you, Jackson :D :D and I will forever love the detail of her hiring her hehe, it's so cute. :)
quisinart4 chapter 18 . 6/1/2014
Oh this is a great one. Love that Jackson admits that fear about what if it had been April on the gurney. Love how he apologizes for not being around and even as he asks if she wants to talk about Stark, he's a little relieved he doesn't have to have girl talk haha. Such a guy :P The "most important woman in your life" comment was perfect, and then the details of how close they were sitting and she could feel his breath on her neck - swoon! Great work!
quisinart4 chapter 17 . 6/1/2014
(So, no, I don't want to talk about how inexperienced and awkward I am when it comes to the opposite sex with someone who looks like they walked out of a Calvin Klein ad.)

This is such a great chapter and something I wish we'd seen on the show. Jackson's response and "I can't tell you that" had me laughing out loud haha :) Great work!
quisinart4 chapter 16 . 6/1/2014
Hehe love that she wakes him up for an explanation and him reassuring her. I wish we'd seen his input when the Stark thing was going on! So nice job.
quisinart4 chapter 15 . 6/1/2014
( I think I had read somewhere you were never supposed to go to bed angry.)
That's for married couples, Jackson ;) But seriously their friendship is adorable and I love seeing the moments behind the episodes like this :) Only makes knowing that they're gonna end up together and married so much sweeter to imagine the history along the way!
quisinart4 chapter 14 . 6/1/2014
Definitely not happy about the jackson/Lexie stuff in this season but I love that April called it all along that the situation would not end well. And poor her being worried about her voice aw :(
quisinart4 chapter 12 . 6/1/2014
(She and I had a way of calming each other down when no one else could. Nobody, including us sometimes, quite understood it but, then again, maybe they didn't have to.)
I love love this and the history back to how he knows her order. And I love April sorta teasing him about what if she still liked Alex. ;)
quisinart4 chapter 10 . 6/1/2014
(her voice echoing off the basement walls. I laugh as she shrinks into herself a little at the sound.)
Haha, I love that :) Perfect acknowledgement of how far their friendship has come. Nice job
quisinart4 chapter 9 . 6/1/2014
Love how you wrote this. So chilling to be taken back to the shooting scene and then line about her running so fast as if she was racing with her sisters was great.
quisinart4 chapter 8 . 6/1/2014
I too wish we had seen a little follow up scene like this. Poor April! But I love jackson for not letting her apologize. I love them comforting each other. Great work!
quisinart4 chapter 7 . 6/1/2014
I love protective Jackson and love April's reasoning for picking trauma :)
quisinart4 chapter 4 . 6/1/2014
Hehe I love how the fact of his looks and charm are such a passing joke between them. Like April obviously knows he's good looking but they have such an easy friendship that it doesn't falter her. That's the sign of a great relationship.

Love that he felt comfortable enough to bring up the Altman with her, and they could remember their old friends.

Quick typo:

What would say to the
*you say

Great work!
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