Reviews for Himura Designs & Co Vs Shishio Enterprises
Guest chapter 29 . 3/20/2015
Loved it!
You really love chiffon huh lols
Super awesome!
kyoandyuya chapter 29 . 8/31/2013
Eh! So Tomoe's actually alive and with Enishi too huh? So that means only her child perished, ne? Still I don't like the fact that you made her Kenji's mother when in fact Kaoru's the real mother in the canon. You should have used another child's name. Great story though.
Lama00 chapter 1 . 7/26/2012
I really found this story is interesting .

I don't like how Aoshi acted weakly when they kidnapped his son, Misao is pretty much stronger than him.

I'm glad that you are an hard-die A/M fan became an author for this pairing to grab a lots of attentions .

please if you don't mind write a lots of A/M fics this paring need to be supported.
MonNos chapter 29 . 7/5/2012
This fic is soooooooooo amazing please keep working
ENISHIXMISAOXAOSHI chapter 29 . 6/20/2012
I really love your story

please don't stop writing Aoshi & Misao 's fics I beg you

I wish you could do more
icecreamapparition chapter 29 . 6/17/2012
It's over. One of the fics that has inspired me to get a FanFiction account, and the story that I have been following ever since. I feel like a part of my fanfiction life has come to rest in peace. X3

Congrats on completing this story!

I would have wished for a longer ending (living together and all), but I can tell that you focused on Seiji towards the end, and his ending with Yume was very fitting for the story.

The only thing that I didn't understood was why Shishio was left to die, and why he ended up burning in the first place. But it's not like I cared about him at the beginning of this fic. XD

This fic will be missed! :)
nma5 chapter 29 . 6/12/2012
I am so glad that I stuck with this story form beginning to end, it was really good exciting, happy, sad all of it. You did a great job, thanks for allowing me to read it.

I loved it and gonna keep it in my bookmarks too.

I guess you answered my questions, Seiji, I now know what he looks it, WOW! just like Aoshi oh boy.

Thanks for the read.
Little Weasel Girl chapter 28 . 6/11/2012
Oh I'm soooo looking forward to this epilogue!
misao91 chapter 28 . 6/11/2012
wow it feels like the end of a era hahahaha sorry i had been reading this fic almost since the begining n_n OMG SO CUTE LOVE IT! I MUST SAY CONGRATS AND ILL BE WAITING FOR THE EPILOGUE!
nma5 chapter 28 . 6/10/2012
I won't review until I read the epilogue.
Sakura Crystals chapter 27 . 6/10/2012
Cant wait till the last chapter!
nma5 chapter 27 . 6/10/2012
Just last night I was thinking about this story and when you are going to update. Finally, this chapter was good and nerve racking because I was wondering what's going to happen to everyone.

Sometimes I wonder what little Seiji looks like.

I love this story.
Alexandra Shinomori chapter 26 . 5/7/2012
Great chapter, psycopath Soujiro was unexpected. And this is THE BEST fic I've ever read.

Take care and pleeeeeease update soon :D
Lady Himura 28 chapter 26 . 5/7/2012
. . . .

I mean it. My goodness! I can bow down to you all day for this wonderful wonderful story! It's just complete! in its very essence. There's the drama, the sweet sensual romance, the killing suspense, the action EVERYTHING!

if this was A novel, I would've bought all kinds The secrets you kept within the stories are so amazing. the whole plot is just breathtaking...of copies.

and the personality you put into each character clearly fitted them in just the right way, not too much to make them seem weird yet you didn't stick to the anime/manga attitude and i like it.

talk about Soujirou being a psychopath, does him well :)


I'm so astonished with this. This is truly the best aoshi misao stories i have read and it's all thanks to you.

please update soon!
icecreamapparition chapter 26 . 4/14/2012
Haha after all the stressful turn of events I read a really adorable scene and it’s Jin and Aoshi! *giggle fit*

Aoshi you mean dude… hurting a fellow bishonen.

And just when I thought it was all over, there goes the bathroom scene! Ah, I wish there are bishonens like that in real life and I would watch them teasing each other. (That sounds creepy) XD

The rest are too serious and sad, so I don’t think it needs a random comment from me. D: Just know that it was all good… too good, in fact, that I’ll be thinking about it when I go to sleep tonight. It's a piece of sad, complicated treasure. Y_Y
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