Reviews for Tip of the Blade
Wrennypooh chapter 8 . 12/22/2019
I know I haven't finished this story and it's almost two years old, but if you see this, I absolutely love this story! It's helping me recover from almost the same circumstances (Happened over 2 years ago but it's a long road) it made me realize it didn't just affect me chapter 16 . 10/21/2019
Really beautiful and interesting journey.
Mistykins06 chapter 16 . 7/26/2017
Man this broke my heart in all the right ways.

Major hugs and kudos to you for finishing it. It was a story that needed to be told.
Aphraelsan chapter 16 . 7/24/2017
Thank you for a lovely, happy, and perfectly imperfect ending to this beautiful story!
daisherz365 chapter 16 . 7/24/2017
This was indeed a rather sweet and hopeful ending. And for the record not rubbish at all. Thanks for managing to write this much. I adore you sweetie.
magentacr chapter 16 . 7/24/2017
Thank you for this final chapter.
This chapter in particular really touched me. Usually in films and story's and everywhere you look basically, people make trying for a baby seem so easy. You never see the struggle, of wanting a baby so badly but it just won't happen, of having a late period and getting your hopes up and taking the test only to get a negative and wondering why you bothered taking it, because it's started to feel like something wonderful that could only happen for other people and not you.
So thank you, for this chapter at this time, for making me feel less alone.
Guest chapter 15 . 9/27/2016
Bergamotte chapter 15 . 9/8/2016
Molly may turn out to be the kind of person who finds peace through helping others, I suspect so, anyway. When life batters us beyond endurance, when our sense of self nearly disappears, we can rediscover ourselves and find redemption by helping make the world a better place.

Thanks for this insightful character study of Molly and Sherlock, MBD. You're writing it with a lot of sensitivity and respect for your characters. I look forward to reading its continuation, whenever that may be possible.
Ashed15 chapter 15 . 6/22/2016
Read this in one go. Your story touches a very serious issue and I'm interested in how it turns out for your version of these characters.
jadesaunders72 chapter 15 . 4/17/2016
So glad this got another chapter added xx
Hopefully more will come xxx

Love this story. It really helps me when I'm feeling low. Thank you for writing it. I cannot explain how much it means to me xxx
Guest chapter 15 . 12/28/2015
Found this story very intriguing and well planned; not the typical Molly Sherlock fluff. Would like to see the conclusion.
LadyK1138 chapter 15 . 11/9/2015
Any update is a great update - and this was so touching! Thanks!
Irene90 chapter 15 . 11/7/2015
Thank you for this one! I do love the background about sherlock's dad. I must confess that I do love his reflections upon Molly. I wish that everything will turn as you want. We'll be here waiting for an update when you feel ready! Take care!
magentacr chapter 15 . 11/6/2015
Glad to see this back, sorry to hear it's been such a rough year for you.
Aphraelsan chapter 15 . 11/5/2015
I just read this story for the first time, and it is fantastic. You've done such a great job. I can totally envision Sherlock's dad as a therapist.

If/when you update again and if it fit in the story, I would love to see a mention about Molly's job. I like to think that in the first chapter while Molly was clearing out her stuff to be fired, Sherlock wasn't saying anything because he'd already contacted Mycroft and asked him to fix it (and in Sherlockian fashion considered the matter sorted without bothering to inform Molly). I just can't believe he would really not have her back about getting fired, but I can easily believe he wouldn't bother explaining it.
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