Reviews for Write and Wrong
guest chapter 11 . 6/17
not a critique or a request (because I'm reading this in 2020), but I want to see a chapter or two in Jake's POV. Maybe when things start to reach the climax of the story and heat up between them...
guest chapter 8 . 6/17
I like your take on imprint-imprinter relationships. Some authors tone it down too much for my liking and all that's left is just an intense, immediate attraction. Which is... nice. But not special. If I wanted intense, immediate attraction, I could literally read any story or book with romance in it and get that. What I like about Twilight fanfics is all of the things that come with imprinting. You really captured what I love about imprinting. Everything thing. The Good, the Bad, and the Dirty ;)
guest chapter 7 . 6/17
Bella should just give in. Yeah, my advice isn't completely morally sound, but he's a legal adult so it's not illegal and Jacob obviously isn't going to tell the principal of any sexual encounters they have. And though she doesn't know it yet, none of the other rez boyz would tattle either. BUT, I do like how you dont just make Bella throw away all her morals for lust. I love that you even gave her morals at all! And, Bella doesn't know about the whole "wolfing out" thing... can't wait until she finally finds out! Which very well could be the very next chapter! One more thing: Wonderful concept, amazing execution (so far...). That's more than I can say for a lot of Fanfic writers who try to tackle something so AU and off-canon as this is. All in all, AmAzInG jOb!
guest chapter 5 . 6/17
little does she know that that little "cold" has EVERYTHING to do with her favorite student...
OwO chapter 3 . 6/17
I love this already!
oooooooh chapter 1 . 6/17
im sop excited
talita gouveia chapter 40 . 5/29
I love it! Such a mature Bella. I don't know if it's the age, or the way you portrayed her, but I feel like that the way she should have been. Thank you
mystified chapter 40 . 5/11
I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoyed this story. It was so well written and such an interesting take on the Jacob and Bella relationship. I also appreciated how you made Jacob older and so the creep factor was removed from the student/teacher dynamic. Thank you for writing this amazing story and sharing it with us! I have to tell you, this is by far one of the better stories I have read in a long time.
AraelDranoth chapter 3 . 2/20
It feels like too much pining. But other than that the writing is solid.
AraelDranoth chapter 2 . 2/20
Cool stuff, keep it up! I wasn't aware the imprints knew of the connection.
AraelDranoth chapter 1 . 2/20
…. I love it. Very rare for me to enjoy a twific. Good job. To the next chapter!
Snowfux chapter 30 . 2/18
I cannot wipe this smile of my face right now. Eeeeeeeee!
Snowfux chapter 25 . 2/17
Oof how will the meeting go?
Snowfux chapter 19 . 2/16
LOVED this chapter.
cloudsongs chapter 5 . 1/10
I really like the way your write and I love the premise of the story. I'm hoping you'll address the ethical issues that come with dating a student. Even if Jacob is 19, he's still a student that is potentially going to be in a relationship with an unbalanced power dynamic which is incredibly unethical for Isabella to engage in. So far, she's embarrassed by her feelings but I hope this is further explored
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