Reviews for By Virtue of Humanity
LitheBunnyQ chapter 25 . 1/4/2018
This story is so well written! You are very talented and realistic which is very hard for most to do. I cannot wait to get started in the sequal and see where everyone goes!
A kind commentat chapter 25 . 3/9/2017
A kind commentator overall the story was nicely written the emotions came out just fine, even if the idea was normally be my cup of tea, even if it felt rushed at first, I think it's moved it self out pretty nicely in the later chapters. The ending was completely expected but also nicely done.
IloveWrath2003 chapter 2 . 3/5/2016
I understand what you are saying about people with mental illness not being actual crazy people. I have a friend with Asperger and two with autism. Thank you for writing this so that other people will realize this fact.
InvaderSunshine chapter 25 . 1/23/2016
Amazing work!
InvaderSunshine chapter 2 . 1/22/2016
I completely agree with you. Mental illness isn't something to write about without personal knowledge. I admire you for writing this. Not only is the story well written, you're one of the few people who are actually writing about mental illness and doing it right. Great job!
FreedJustine chapter 25 . 10/7/2015
Omg thank you so much for the great read! I really like your descriptive yet easy style of writing and I'm so glad you ended the story with Elsie and Envy living happily ever after! :3
DandilionCutie chapter 1 . 12/24/2014
I've read the whole of this story and I have to say I really enjoyed it despite the fact that Envy is my LEAST favorite character. The writing is absolutely beautiful, easy to read, and the story really flows. Each action has a reason and isn't just there 'because i wanted it to so there.' You explained why reactions occurred and the reasoning was believable. And throwing Wrath in there too did help as well (he's my fave of all time.) Even the transitioning between homunculus!Envy and human!Envy was well thought out, and even though I kinda hate him, I payed attention to it and it actually changed how I see him in certain ways. All in all it is a really good story and I'm really glad I read it. (Also I've finally found a ship with Envy I like and she isn't even a canon character.)
Blackroserevan chapter 25 . 12/20/2014
This was awesome! I love it! I love it! I LOVE IT!
Dedmutt chapter 11 . 11/24/2014
I didn't know how to react when the be protagonists meet up with the old protagonists (know what I mean?) and I was flipping out a little cause I didn't know who to root for, but you handled it well. XD No real bad guys, yet. Just the way I like it. Well, when I like all the characters involved, at least. XD Sorry, rambling.
Dedmutt chapter 8 . 11/24/2014
"Complete with melodrama."
You're great. XD
RobinNightingale chapter 12 . 5/11/2014
Umm...Wrong story?
RobinNightingale chapter 25 . 4/26/2014
I seriously do not understand why this story has only 41 reviews. Moreover, I seriously don't understand how you are this excellent at writing with only your second story. Then again, you did say "2nd story you ever finished"...Envy has been my favorite character ever since I got into the FMA fandom. I admit I was as skeptical as the rest when I first dove into this story, but the quality of your writing and uncanny ability to bring Envy and Wrath to life made me keep going. I was truly amazed how well you were able to capture their characters. And I believed making Elsie appear to be the image of Lust was a nice trick. For one, it helped with the introduction of an OC. Two, it helped (somehow) with the pairing. I couldn't believe how well I was able to accept Envy's transition into humanity, yet as I go back through the chapters it makes all the sense in the world. No need to feel surprised with the amount of positive feedback; this story is worthy of every word.
NamiMakimono chapter 2 . 1/5/2014
I loved this chapter. *snickers* I liked the part where Jason commented about the sauce.

And I agree, in a place like that you ahve to find some sort of amusement to keep your mind off of thigs.

I have bad bouts of depression with bouncing mood swings and had to stay in a place like that when the doctor decided to send me there before even trying medicine. It was so scary to be pulled away from my family and left with strangers that I just stayed in my room until they made us sit in the hallway after med time. *shudders* I hated it. They put me on anti-psychotic meds instead of anti-depressants and I was so out of it and loopy for the next few days until my parents fought the doctor and got me out of there.

*glomps and grins*

Now I write when I feel bleh...

JaylatheCerealKiller chapter 5 . 12/26/2013
The story is coming along awesomely, but I'm more impressed by your explanation of Bipolar disorder. I think I actually had fun reading about it. Huh.
Fueled by Earl Grey chapter 2 . 12/5/2013
My aunt and I were both hospitalized for bipolar disorder... And I for minor split personalities and EDNOS... Our hospital did not give us half as much freedom as yours apparently did -.- I would say you're lucky, but the luckiest thing would be to not be hospitalized at all...
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