Reviews for Scandal on Eaton Square
Ns2121 chapter 12 . 6/2
I’m working my way through several of your stories. I’m impressed with your writing - wonderfully detailed and told with a great imagination. Would love to know what happens next. Thanks so much for sharing your talent. On to another...
EmmaGranger80 chapter 1 . 5/7
Best. Story. Ever. This is one of the best fanfictions I’ve ever read! Great job.
Guest chapter 12 . 2/29
Just discovered this story and would love to see it updated. Please don't let Thomas or Lady Mae get their way.
UneBrunette chapter 12 . 10/23/2019
I ansolutly loooooooove your story. This AU is amazing! I love the dynamics between Tom and Sybil
Besides, we still need to know more about Tom background, and him and Sybil are just begening to getting closer.

So please please please please don't give up on this!
Guest chapter 12 . 9/23/2019
This is amazing! I love it!
Angel Bells chapter 12 . 8/18/2019
I hope Thomas doesn't stay such a little shit, cause I quite liked his relationship with Sybil in the show.
Nightwing667 chapter 11 . 6/4/2019
This story is so interesting and so well written. Please continue it! :)
Boulouzou chapter 12 . 4/21/2019
J'aime tout simplement cette histoire :)

La seule chose que je regrette c'est que l'histoire ne se déroule pas en Amérique, plus que Sybil et Américaine dans cette histoire. Mais bon c'est pas gênant. :)

Je veux plus de Sybil/Tom.

Je suis triste que Cora et Robert soit morts sur le Titanic. J'aurais tellement voulue voir Cora dans cette histoire, ça me gêne pas de ne pas voir Robert, vue que c'est pas un personnage que j'aime. Mais Cora !

J'aime l'amitié entre Sybil Imogène, Lavinia et Rose.

J'ai aimé la 'amitié naissante entre Sarah Bunting et Sybil, elles se ressemble tellement. Je crois qu'elles se seraient bien entendue dans le canon.

Par contre je déteste Thomas et Edna. J'espère que Thomas va arrêter de se faire manipuler par le Duc et qu'il vas devenir ami avec Sybil.

J'adore comment Tom veut protégée Sybil, comment il repousse les chasseurs de fortunes de sa propriété.

J'aime que l'intrigue de Tom ressemble au film à "un amour d'hiver" ou si tu préfère le titre originale "Winter's Tale".

J'aime tellement ton écriture, j'espère que tu continueras à écrire, je sais que je te l'ai déjà dit, mas je crois qu'on ne le dit jamais assez alors que te le redit.
cassiemortmain chapter 12 . 3/8/2019
So happy to see this awesome story updated, and I really enjoyed rereading it to remind myself where we'd got to. Loved seeing Sybil jealous when Branson was getting attention from Miss Bunting. I'm looking forward to seeing how you take this fic forward from here. :)
Nightwing667 chapter 12 . 2/24/2019
This is such a good story. Please continue to update it! I'm excited to see where it goes.
kayjay triquetra chapter 12 . 2/11/2019
So pleased to see this story much so I have taken the opportunity to read it again from the beginning, and it is definitely my favourite AU Tom and Sybil, love how she is more in control and he is more confident...and really looking forward to more updates (no pressure!)
johnnybbad4 chapter 12 . 2/9/2019
Please, when you do have the time, continue this story. It is absolutely wonderful.
johnnybbad4 chapter 11 . 2/8/2019
This was a beautifully written chapter...well, except for the f-word.
JessieBess chapter 12 . 2/4/2019
Welcome back! What a wonderful surprise to get another chapter to this delightful story. I did go back and read the previous two chapters just to get up to speed. Your Tom in this story is very sexy. Miss Bunting is no more likeable than in the show. Still curious as to the whole of Tom's backstory which to me is the most interesting part of this story. Hope you will continue writing the story. Thank you
Guest chapter 12 . 2/1/2019
Sybil and Bunting - "kindred spirits"? Really? OR kindred spirits about Tom Branson!?
Honestly, Thomas Barrow should have been cast by JF with a mustache! To twirl it in typical villain style!

Love the update! Could the next be "Marry a Crawley Sister"?
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