Reviews for The Game Plan
SarahWalka1814 chapter 49 . 9/22/2019
aaahhhhhh such an amazing story and great ending!
cant wait to read the sequel!
SarahWalka1814 chapter 45 . 9/22/2019
lmao omg the way your chapters end though!
SarahWalka1814 chapter 42 . 9/22/2019
SarahWalka1814 chapter 40 . 9/19/2019
yea it was WAY fluffy but still great nonetheless. it's an olitz fairytale after all
SarahWalka1814 chapter 39 . 9/18/2019
WOOOWWWWWWWWW! I had a feeling he was going to propose but I did NOT think Liv was going to say THAT!
SarahWalka1814 chapter 38 . 9/15/2019
i'm sure Liv's grandma knows too, which is why she keeps making the ginger tea. omg these last few chapters have been amazing
Annmariekj chapter 49 . 8/23/2019
Loved story. Look forward to sequel!
SarahWalka1814 chapter 35 . 8/19/2019
omg Kasey at OPA and a pregnancy?! wowwww cant wait to see what happens next
SarahWalka1814 chapter 33 . 8/19/2019
great plan with the exes hahaha
SarahWalka1814 chapter 30 . 8/13/2019
so glad that after 30 good-sized chapters, this story is still going strong!
SarahWalka1814 chapter 29 . 8/11/2019
WOW Olivia and Fitz finally did it! but let's see what crazy shit mellie comes up with...
SarahWalka1814 chapter 27 . 8/10/2019
hmm what does Mellie know. I bet Mellie knows who OP really is
SarahWalka1814 chapter 25 . 8/8/2019
fucking mellie
SarahWalka1814 chapter 24 . 8/8/2019
yayyyy Liv! finally growing some lady balls lol
SarahWalka1814 chapter 23 . 8/8/2019
Edith and Kasey are the real MVPs!
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