Reviews for Blood, Full Moons, Tails, and Things That Shine
Kuchiki Erza chapter 4 . 10/17/2019
Jason: I get week around wolfsbane
Tim: I get dehydrated easy and turn into a fish when wet
Damien: I can’t resist shiny things
Dick: I have to eat so I don’t feel bad
Everyone: That is literally everything alive
darkness Angelic chapter 6 . 10/1/2018
Please do! I love it!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/8/2018
A different point of view! Supernatural! Nice!
Fangirlnerd001 chapter 6 . 5/22/2018
THIS IS AN AMAZHANG AND BATASTIC STORY! I love this sooooo much! I hope to see more?! Maybe the Young Justice/Teen Titans find out? Anywho just wannted to say that this is awesome!
NightwingSavage chapter 5 . 9/18/2017
What the fuck
Guest chapter 6 . 6/13/2017
That was cute
nerdygirl12345 chapter 1 . 8/29/2016
Loved the story! Your story's and imagination is wonderful, never stop writing you have the talent of an author.
Hellfire-Princess chapter 6 . 6/4/2016
Yes, yes it is. *contented sigh*
Robin0203 chapter 6 . 5/23/2016
Wonderful can you please do a one shot of Damian hurting his wing and needing it to be fixed but he's scarred to?
RedCeleste chapter 6 . 1/22/2016
I really enjoyed this! thanks so much
Guest chapter 6 . 11/15/2015
This is GREAT!
Raquel chapter 4 . 11/15/2015
Couldn't You have made the reveal more. I don't know... DRAMATIC
Poopfeast42 chapter 6 . 10/6/2015
Eeeh... Quite a few problems, but first I'll congratulate you on such a different concept. Fantasy gets a lot of hate in the Batfandom, this was brave. Now the hard part... The dialogue, as it seems you have been told a lot, was pretty bad. Very stiff, poorly personalized to the characters. Bruce was pretty bad for this; entirely emotionless; just saying what was needed to move things along. I think by the end of it the dialogue had improved a notch, so good job.
The plot... Not much of it. The climax, Bruce finding out about their secret, fell so flat. A huge disappointment, it happened too early, there was no impact. Premature, unsatisfying climax, if you know what I mean! You expect the climax to change things, perhaps B paying more attention to his kids, B misunderstanding and something bad happens. This was an easy ride throughout. Bruce acted the same before and after, everyone acted the same even though Bruce knew, problems were solved instantly. My advice would be to focus. Find one major problem for a few of them to face together, a hunter, maybe? A prominent canon villain gone monster hunter? A prominent HERO gone monster hunter due to monster stereotypes!? (Ooh maybe save that for me! JK) Start off slow, establish the setting and character personality/routines. Hint at the problem. Reveal the problem. Dedicate some time to struggling against the problem as the climax. Give a brief post-climax afterward to show how characters/routines have changed. Welcome to a story arch, it sounds boring when it is so bare bones, haha!
Also, show don't tell. Instead of using dialogue or narroration to explain things, try to show those things happening, or, I don't know how to explain it... Uhh... For example, Tim likes seafood. It is mentioned a lot. A lot. Instead of explaining "Tim likes seafood, since we can't get it in Gotham as it is bad!" where the dialogue comes off as unnatural, they are explaining what everyone else knows already, try something generally like "Let's get seafood for Tim. It's a good opportunity for him to enjoy his favorite kind of food fresh, instead of Gotham's pollution flavored fish!" except make it better than that since that was a little terrible, too, sorry -n- just look up guides and examples of showing not telling online from professionals.

Other problems, other problems... I've largely forgotten after typing am that -n- just one more for now. I'll warn you Dick is my favorite character, so any nitpick with a Dick-fic is personal! 8 Do you think... Giving him made up "gypsy magic" is a little offensive to gypsies? You could work it in, just make it "real circus magic" or something entirely fantasy based instead of saying things about a real culture. Speaking of real culture, there are so many opportunities rooted in Romani mythology for your fic writing! A lot of "gypsy magic" type stuff is made up by non-gypsies. It's pretty hard to find stuff out about romani people, since they are so decentralized and persecution is still disturbingly unchecked. Don't limit yourself with stereotypes of gypsies, read about real Romani beliefs! Vampire Dick was a stroke of genius! Read a little on Romani vampires, dhampirs, Black Kali, and more for yourself, it'll inspire you! Romani helped invent Vampires, and they are way cooler than glitter-Vampires!

PS: keep writing. Forever. Have fun with it.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/29/2015
You should make a series out of this. It's awesome.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/20/2015
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