Reviews for Hermano Problemas Brother Problems
Country Batgirl chapter 66 . 10/26/2017
I've read this story...and re-read it, and read it again. Obviously, I really like this story. Also, I made an observation. This story does not say "complete" under the summary. That being said, can the next thing you update be this? Pwetty pwease?
Guest chapter 66 . 5/9/2016
I've reread this story so many times, it's been so long since the last update. I've read so many of your books but this one has to be my favorite. I really want to read more, especially with the way you left it. I really hope you update soon because I think this book is awesome! I love the way you've written it and your characters are absolutely amazing!
Please please please update soon!
Emily chapter 66 . 12/7/2015
please update soon!
Renegade037 chapter 1 . 4/6/2015
Please update!
Madalyn1000 chapter 66 . 2/10/2015
I could not stop reading! I know im a little late to the party here, the last update being almost exactly a year ago, but i just had to leave a comment. This fic is one of the best i have ever read. I feel like i felt everything Indi felt and im just as conflicted about Jason as she is. If you ever felt like going back to this story maybe these prompts will help: jason and indi going to indi's prom/dance; jason and indi going back to puerto rico (i think thats where she was from?) and seing indi's family; jason being caught at the house (doing nothing just hanging out) with indi and him charming her mother; maybe bruce and dick find out about indi and jason's relationship. Sorry this is so long! Again, i think this story is awsome! Its reay hard to find a great jason todd fic, trust me I've looked
Uchiha Undead chapter 66 . 3/3/2014
This was such a sweet chapter. :) Great Job Brittney, getting our Author-san to update. I seriously love this story! It's just so amazing.

I love IndixJason. They just seem like the almost perfect couple. Ya know, but this guy is Jason Todd... Hahahaha. Sigh... I hope you update soon! Either way, I'll be looking forward to reading more.
Uchiha Undead chapter 65 . 3/3/2014
George is such a TERRIFYING name. Really, it had my knees shaking. -_- Either way, I loved his role in this chapter. Hitting on Indi...gosh, aren't we all? xD

This was such a lovely thing to see! I love to see you updating more! Gosh, you don't know how excited I was to see you updated!
Brittney chapter 66 . 2/19/2014
aw, thanks! xD Just as this chapter was one of your favorites to write, this one was one of my favorites to read! It kind of depressed me as well, knowing Indi had a nightmare with Ramon. but that's what makes your writing good! The reader gets to feel how the character does. Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work! :p
Brittney chapter 65 . 2/18/2014
I think it'd be cool if Indi starts having nightmares and such with Ramon or his ghost. It would be cool if he tells her to break up with Jason and yadayadayada and maybe she does or doesn't. Oh yeah, and one day, I would love for Indi to finally let know. In the future sometime. :P anyways, keep up the writing!
Brittney chapter 65 . 2/18/2014
Red X17 chapter 65 . 2/17/2014
Brittney chapter 64 . 2/16/2014
Literally almost 6 months later (tomorrow) and I'm still hoping for that update, Laces. :P
Anonymous chapter 64 . 1/22/2014
Agree with the posts before me! Please continue! Oh my God, I love this story! I need to see if Indi ever lets Jason! And if their relationship progresses. And so many other things! My gosh, please update. Give us readers an ending. I love your writing. Please, please, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
BitterSweetChaoticSerenity chapter 64 . 1/8/2014
Oh hell no. Where's the update? This can not end!'s... It's a crime for the story to just stop here! Laces! You have to update! I need more Jason! All of the fans need more Jason! This is criminal! It just ends! It can't end like this! Nooo! When can we be expecting another update? Will Jason and his litle Bejita take their relationship further, and all that jazz?! ofgheigeiorg My questions go unanswered! Also, this is what I love about your writings. You hook the readers. Your writing's not perfect, but it's so...interesting and it really grabs the reader and doesn't let go. I can't tell you how many of you stories I finished, or read today. Seriously, in one day, I've read more than I ever thought I could, and in one sitting, too. XD Please, please update soon.
Brittney chapter 64 . 12/29/2013
I miss your fanfiction...a lot. Do you still come on? GAH! I loved this story. Jason was so...unique and bad ass and...just...the feels!
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