Reviews for You Did Well Today
seldombites chapter 1 . 2/18
This a sweet story. I like it.
Aleta Wolff chapter 1 . 6/13/2019
Lindo. Mas não sei se Ciel seria capaz de demonstrar gratidão ou qualquer tipo de apreço pelo Sebby. Ele é muito orgulhoso pra isso. Aquilo, no bote, foi apenas um elogio. Na mente dele, Sebastian não faz mais que sua obrigação! Afinal, ele é um mero peão. As vezes Ciel consegue ser mais cruel que o próprio demônio. É assustador.
00Chup chapter 1 . 9/12/2018
That was written beautifully, thank you xx
FujoshiForBrowni chapter 1 . 10/21/2017
Omg! You wrote about that one scene! To be honest, that is one of my favorites and it’s incredibly overlooked. I’m saving this!
TheCauldron chapter 1 . 4/14/2016
Beautiful. Well written and stunningly emotive without being melodramatic.
Eglentyne chapter 1 . 9/28/2014
Ahh... my heart...

I have to take your work in small doses, because your writing goes from impeccably witty to knocking the wind out of me and some days I just can't take that kind of emotional whiplash. There are some beautiful moments where you have weaved so much gravid meaning into this.

I just can't right now.

You just... continue being your awesome self. And I'll be the silly woman in the corner continuing to push herself harder.
Mrs. Florish chapter 1 . 9/12/2014
I like this. Mutual respect between them. Nice job.
JaneDoe chapter 1 . 7/5/2014
Awwwweeeeee! So freaking sweet! They're friends and that's beautiful 3
Saisei84 chapter 1 . 6/10/2014
This was an absolute joy to read in a refreshing kind of way. Wonderfully written!
YourGuardianAngel27 chapter 1 . 4/3/2014
I totally adore how you've written this. They're both realistically in character. Not to mention, you materialized something out of the events that took place in the manga. Combining these two essential factors, you somehow convinced me to believe that this could actually happen, and all the more it improves my reading experience.

You've done a great job on making their mutual feelings for each other subtle. I appreciate the fact that you did not cross a certain boundary wherein such emotions could be considered as 'unrealistic'. Some authors forget that Sebastian is a demon, and there are some human emotions that he just couldn't reciprocate yet. It amazes me how you could take this into account while making him appear more "human" when he is with his young master. I couldn't say for sure if there is an element of love involved, but the chemistry between the two is undeniable. The sheer loyalty and passion in Sebastian's service to Ciel just proves how special the young master is to him.

If this lengthy review annoys you, I do apologize in advance. Rare stories such as these are very hard to come by. I also love how this fic opposes the belief that Sebastian is supposed to corrupt his young master. In this story, you did otherwise, in which Sebastian wanted to preserve his master's innocence. I find it cute and adorable. :D
By the Void chapter 1 . 1/25/2014
That was absolutely amazing. Just the absolute connection between the two was very sweet, without being over-done, and I enjoyed this very much.
Silverwing26 chapter 1 . 10/15/2013
This was amazing. Truly. I Have a ... very specific way that I see Ciel and he is often portrayed very wrong in my opinion. I do love the way you have captured him here and the relationship between the two characters. The paragraph about Sebastian prevaricating made me laugh and it was so very true. This is really well done. Thank you for writing!
SparklingSnowfall chapter 1 . 7/24/2013
I like your observations and enjoyed this very much. It actually inspires me to write something in this fandom, but I don't know that I ever will. Thanks for posting!
pj is asleep chapter 1 . 7/17/2013
I love the character developement here. This story was really interesting and well-written.
Colt-and-Crossbow chapter 1 . 7/13/2013
Your views on Sebastian and Ciel interested me, so I took a look at this fic.
My gods, I'm jealous of the character development. I didn't read some of your other fics because I'm not a fan of SebaCiel, but this. . .
Wow. This was a great interpretation of the scene on the lifeboat. Thank you for writing such a wonderful piece.
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