Reviews for Sharpest Lives
Liasid chapter 6 . 2/9/2016
very nice
mgm024 chapter 6 . 1/31/2016
Wow! I can't understand why this story doesn't have more reviews, it's a fucking fantastic read.
EmoCloud chapter 6 . 8/9/2013
I like how you didn't make it a cheesy perfect ending, but they did find each other again :)
Did Duo learn Spanish or was he mostly confined to the tourist driven areas in Mexico? Just curious... lol
Love your writing style and how even in an au you stick to the basic characters... i hate it when people make one of 'em all girly... sigh
lol but Heero is practically SUPPOSED to wear spandex heh
Sigh...even ends with Heero 'thinking' lol
jlibo000 chapter 6 . 8/3/2013
OMG, wooooooow... Sorry for being so late to read and review!

Absolutely wonderful, realistic, sweet, in character, romantic and just fucking amazing last chapter! Can I say WOW one more time? WOW. I adored this story and I'm SO sad that it ended! Thank you so much for sharing your incredible work with us, babe!
that-which-yields chapter 6 . 7/29/2013
I see your sneakily slipped in spandex reference, Ma'am.
Loved this chapter. I was shocked that Heero actually ended up in jail. I kind of saw you having Duo break him out or some superhero Gundam nonsense like that. But I also like how it turned out instead. You could almost feel the sense of completion-yet-disappointment that yes, they made it, but no, not quite how they anticipated. I think that makes it more real, more accessible.
Dyna chapter 6 . 7/28/2013
Very nice. I love a happy ending. Realistic, too, the low paying, humble job and living conditions. But love conquers all, right? Thanks for sharing this story with us.
anon chapter 6 . 7/27/2013
Aww, I love how realistic their reunion was. Fantastic read as always3
that-which-yields chapter 5 . 7/22/2013
D: What?! No. Bad fic karma. Bad fic karma all around, unless this is remedied. And there were such good vibes in the beginning of this chapter... well, there was moping and self-pity and misery and *then* there were good vibes. AND THEN THIS. No. I reject your reality and substitute my own.
snowdragonct chapter 5 . 7/20/2013
I dunno how Heero's gonna get out of this. All Duo's charm won't be enough when it comes to the police!
Looking forward to more.
jlibo000 chapter 5 . 7/20/2013
Shit. I was expecting something like this when I saw the name of the chapter and I tried to prepare myself, but it was still difficult. And only one chapter more? *gulp* I seriously cannot wait for next Saturday.
snowdragonct chapter 4 . 7/13/2013
Aw, poor Heero. He's really a good guy down deep inside. No matter what crimes he and Duo have committed, they are both just looking for fun. And a dream. Like I said, I can forgive almost anything done in trying to achieve a dream! But I'm as relieved as Heero that the clerk didn't die. Well, as relieved as he WILL be if he can find some news that the guy survived. Anyhow, still hoping they get their asses to Mexico, and that the dream of lounging on a beach isn't too tame for them after the thrill of getting there.
jlibo000 chapter 4 . 7/13/2013
Well, damn... I think my monitor just about cracked a little bit from all the steam and hotness! I will admit I'm a sucker for angsty sex and hurt/comfort scenarios, but even in my biased state I can tell this chapter was brilliantly written and wonderful and really romantic *sighs all starry eyed*. I loved it! God, I'm such a freakin' girl.

I'm starting to see all the sex between them as a bit of a comfort blanket and maybe a bit of a wall between them as well that I think just cracked a little bit in this chappie. And I think that's a good thing! I loved it that Duo resisted the sex in favour of talking and making sure Heero was alright, even if the talking part was only for like half a sentence :P I am by no means a fan of endless talks about feelings and I can understand not wanting to stir useless shit up, but they both have so much baggage and so many ghosts, that I'm afraid if they don't talk about stuff, it will eventually come between them. That and everyone needs to be held and told everything's going to be fine and everyone needs to feel protected, even if they don't think they do. I'm thinking Heero needs a bit more reassuring and coming to terms with himself and a bit less forgetting. Denial and not thinking about it only takes you so far. Heh. Sorry for all the character analyses, I sometimes forget myself and just start going on and on and on... _'

The chapter was great, I absolutely LOVED it, I love the whole story and here's to Mexico and the HEA we're all hoping for! :D *hugs*
jlibo000 chapter 3 . 7/6/2013
Ha! That was really cool. Totally not about the 200 bucks! Poor Tro is gonna spit nails for days.
I really enjoyed Heero's contemplative mood, the poor guy is so hopelessly in love it's fucking adorable. I just realized that I've never heard them say it to each other, though, I'm curious if that's maybe gonna happen later in the fic or if it's just not they're thing.
Loved the chapter, I'm always looking forward to Saturdays now, because of your updates! *hugs*
snowdragonct chapter 3 . 7/6/2013
Ah hilarious! I totally didn't realize Duo would be focused on that darned watch instead of the crummy two-hundred bucks! Awesome. Truly awesome. Even pawning a watch like that will get them a lot more than a mere hustle at pool would've done. Great trick, Duo!
snowdragonct chapter 2 . 6/29/2013
The risky part scares me...makes me wonder if they'll die in a spectacular "Thelma and Louise" way, or a shootout with cops. I'm so hoping they make it to that beach in Mexico. Of course, if they did, would they be bored out of their minds? At what point would the peace and serenity and sex just make them want more? Hm. You got me thinking.
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