Reviews for A Pale Hope Rises
geekymom chapter 30 . 18h
Terrific story!
jonsmom14 chapter 30 . 7/24
This is a truly wonderful story. I love the relationship between Aragorn and Elion. I also appreciate the major changes. So many times I read fanfics that are essentially canon with the only differences being the reactions to a crossover character. You have definitely kept me on the edge of my seat! Thanks!
Farlouch chapter 30 . 7/19
I can't wait to read more
foxychibs chapter 30 . 7/13
Please continue
GoldThesteral22095 chapter 30 . 7/7
I love this story, the interaction between the characters, Elion and Aragon in particular, are great. I hope the story will be continued one day, I'm curious how you would have Elion react to Arwen, and her to his past.
Celina Dee chapter 30 . 7/4
I love this story and I truly wish I knew how you would have finished it! If you ever do I would love to know
Yana5 chapter 30 . 7/2
Aww so sweet. Thank you for the chapter
Guest chapter 3 . 6/18
Is he reduced to the metal acuity of a 6 year old?
Estel Ashlee Snape chapter 30 . 6/13
Good chapter. Keep up the good work!
Diobrando44 chapter 4 . 6/13
bruh you gave hım name of god lol
Guest chapter 30 . 6/12
I can’t believe I haven’t read this before but it is beautifully written - I am going to have to write a note to myself to make sure I check for updates! Love Elion and his relationship with Aragon!
Carelise682 chapter 30 . 6/10
I can understand life can be weird but pretty please don't stop writing
Carelise682 chapter 30 . 6/10
I really like your story I hope you write further because you're an awesome writer. . please don't abandon it
Makuro767 chapter 27 . 6/9
9 months...a baby would be born by now...
d8rkforcen1ght7 chapter 13 . 6/8
Great story so far. Stay safe everyone!
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