Reviews for When the Past Catches Up
Jasminegirl123 chapter 1 . 6/5/2016
her dad
Guest chapter 6 . 1/19/2015
You should write for the show
Guest chapter 5 . 1/19/2015
This would have been better than having Fitz leak the story, and also Harrison's and Olivia's back story was great!
mzlizbiz100 chapter 6 . 4/21/2014
Loved this story. No pandering to the failed sledge hammer attempt of a Joke triangle. Part of my Season 3 recovery. That's why it was so easy suspend the ugly character assassinations of Season and go with the characters as we believed them to be (Tom)
Lissyh chapter 6 . 2/28/2014
oh me deus. eu amei cada capitulo desta fanfic foi tão perfeito quando eles estavam juntos tão lindo.
eles são lindos e doces e fortes juntos.
eles lutaram e ganharam por esta junto. eles assumiu que estava com ela, que é doce.
ele assumiu que ama ela.
muito lindo.
anon28 chapter 6 . 9/23/2013
I have read several Scandal fics on this site but very few come close to your writting. This fic is probably the most under appreciated Scandal story I have come across. Well written, realistic and a page-turner.
Harrison made sense as the leaker. I loved how you stayed true to all the characters. I, however, would have loved to read more of Mellie. She is definitely not going down without a fight. Cyrus as well, being the little manipulator, he would have had a few dirty cards to play but thats just my opnion. I'm looking forward to finding out how you'll have OPA dealing with Harrison's betrayal, how Fitz and Olivia will handle being in the limelight and if they will hold up or crumble. The Mellie fallout with Fitz and of course the public's reaction. Thank you for a good, honest and grounded story.
isolde chapter 6 . 9/9/2013
i love this. you did a great job! look forward to other fan fiction.
BeckyPo chapter 6 . 9/2/2013
Nice story! I like how you make everything all good in 6 chapters.
BeckyPo chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
Just found your story...can't wait to see where you go with it!
Guest chapter 6 . 7/29/2013
Guest chapter 6 . 7/14/2013
Guest chapter 6 . 7/13/2013
Oh sweet ending
Guest chapter 6 . 7/13/2013
Poor could he have been so wildly injudicious?

Fitz's speech is excellent; and Huck's misgivings strike this reviewer as likely justified. Rowan will not be so easily set aside, I suspect...even if a power struggle was already underway in the division, Olivia's father had his supporters..

Best in this chapter (besides the love scene...irresistible!) Olivia's ambivalent memories of Cyrus, and her cynical dissection of the two talking head spokesmen, each of whom have jangling skeletons of their own.

Good work from the author in a good series.

sbenton1 chapter 1 . 7/14/2013
OMG, this is one of the best, well written fanfic stories I've read thus far. The storytelling was weaved together perfectly and I loved every minute of it. You should be on the writing team for the show. I hope you write another one as a continuation of this one. You have my favorite but you also have my follow.

Awesome story!
deelove1 chapter 5 . 7/13/2013
Both Harrison and Mellie think to highly of them selves Mellie with a political career that would be a huge joke.
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