Reviews for Oh My Castiel
potatoes-are-not-for-sex chapter 1 . 7/28/2013
Destiel! Ahhh love it! And the ending, 'Dammit Sam!" Made me giggle so much xD And 'take you to heavens gates themselves'! Why are you so epic XD Great work, please do write more destiel smut!
Doctor Song chapter 1 . 7/3/2013
Biggest plot twist ever...
Shift 1120 chapter 1 . 6/27/2013
If I'm totally and completely honest, way to clichéd, and WAY out of character. Some of the descriptions, such as 'crashed his lips', are just illogical. Think about what 'crashed' means, and then maybe you'll see why reading that line just made me grimace. Other lines, such as 'sweet, heated, and hungry', 'toned bronze chest ', 'take you to heavens gates themselves."' and 'pure love' were just so clichéd I felt nauseous reading them. Lines such as 'big boy' were also a bit weird? That's more of a personal thing I spose, I just cant see Cas saying that. Also, you've used 'nip and suck' about a thousand times, without enough variation, and the repetition made it hard to read. And finally (this is not a flame I swear, it's constructive criticism I hope) some of the tenses were wrong. I really hope you don't get too upset at this, but this fic was pretty hard to read, and I only forced my way through it so I could tell you where I thought you had gone wrong so your next one is better. By no means am I an expert on English, but I HAVE read quite a lot of smut *blushes* and so, these are a few issues I had with your story. Keep writing though!

Shift xxx
Long-Days-and-Nights chapter 1 . 6/26/2013
Very nice! ;) love it :D so glad you decided to write smut! :) I love the end,

"Dammit Sam!"

Loves it! xox