Reviews for Passing Flame
Kushinada-hime chapter 1 . 11/19/2014
No words to say. I'm speechless. _
MangoPeanutSituation chapter 1 . 3/4/2014
This is kinda sad, so was Tsuna doomed to repeat the third day of his death again and again? Never passing on, never realizing that time rushed past him, this... Was kinda a sad ending
Impassive sky chapter 1 . 2/3/2014
hey sup! is this the story you were talking about last year? nice fic by the way...
Keep up the good work ! ;)
95 chapter 1 . 12/2/2013
nice story... i've been looking for a unique oneshot... :)
Guest chapter 1 . 11/13/2013
Syn'phasia chapter 1 . 6/28/2013
I thought you had written it all over again for a second, so I was taken aback. But this is probably the best K I have seen so far. Usually, I admit I don't read stories of this category, but your summary pulled me in, so kudos for that.

I was expecting two things: either a short and boring prologue, or a long and meaningless chapter. I got neither. The few words you put up in this chapter gave me a brief introduction as to Tsuna, and what happened. His attitude, and the way you portray him. I don't believe him to be OOC; he acts more like the Hyper-Mode version of Tsuna, where his "hidden talents" come out to play, making him more serious, thoughtful and somewhat cold.

The details were wonderful. If I could, I would take a page of your book and try to learn from your writing style. D8 I wish I wasn't so set in my ways... but anyways, there weren't meaningless details in there, and everything that was there kind of painted a visual setting in one's mind.

I would say, "Why aren't there more reviews?!" but this IS the first day you put it out, so again, kudos to you. I just hope that you update soon. I have reaaallly high standards (though I could never meet my own standards, ha ha), and you managed to meet them all, so expect me to look out for you. But I know some writers have a problem when people are like, "UPDATE, WILL YA?!" and they get suuuper nasty. So, I might just ask once or twice, but that's it.
