Reviews for Sink or Swim
Guest chapter 83 . 9/14
There is nothing more useless then a modeling job it has no function in Wizard or muggle Society
Raeger chapter 83 . 8/15
I really enjoyed reading this story. I liked how it took time to unpack what actually happened at the start with Victoire and Chris, the sense of mystery kept me intrigued to find out what would happen next.

For a piece that was largely focused on exploring the relationships between its characters without much external influence (e.g. the original HP series revolves mainly around the journey to defeat the Dark Lord), it's a testament to your work on the characters that things stayed interesting throughout. Particularly, i thought that you did a great job giving personality and a story to many of the supporting characters like Finn, Sienna, Sky, Grace, and Luke.

A refreshing take on Teddy and Victoire's story, much appreciated and look forward to devouring the sequel next!
daisyscrapper chapter 83 . 6/4/2018
Guest chapter 83 . 1/6/2018
I read this story in record time I loved it so much. I don’t know why but I really connected with the characters and ended up bawling when Chris died ( honestly vic was in better shape then I was). Loved this story can’t wait to read the sequel, thanks
natalieeannee chapter 83 . 3/31/2016
Thanks for writing!

I think this might have been the first Teddy fanfic I read.

I am happy everyone ended up with the "right person".

I especially LOVED the scene where Harry comforts Vic because they are in the same position. I loved all scenes with Harry (and Teddy).

Also.. claiming Global Warming was the muggle's observation of magical pollution was clever.

I was not expecting to have so many "non cannon" characters, but all your characters had such unique and defined personalities.

You write excellently! Thanks for a solid fanfic!
nerdyninjaunicorn chapter 83 . 2/13/2016
I absolutely loved this story from start to finish. I don't know if I've ever been more emotionally invested in a story primarily made up of OCs. I am eagerly looking forward to reading the sequel.
Astia2 chapter 83 . 6/21/2015
This story is bloody brilliant! I loved all the characters and how you tied them all in together. I have been through an amazing roller coaster of emotions when reading this book and could literally not stop reading it!
kiltcladdedreader chapter 59 . 4/26/2015
Did you get some of your plot and phrases from Sarah dessen books?
LightsPast chapter 83 . 4/22/2015
Ahhhhhh this is my absolute favourite next-gen fic! I've basically accepted this as canon, ahaha.
Guest chapter 73 . 4/19/2015
Guest chapter 62 . 3/3/2015
Love the story. does anyone else feel that now the Sienna came back for a bit she seems a little more like a big sister then the crazy awesome friend. A little bit. She seems more mature. Also get her and Finn together PLEASE! NO Evan, Sienna. and I hope chris gets out the damn coma
Dafne chapter 83 . 3/1/2015
Oh my god! I can't believe it's over! I always look forward to seeing the email notifications of a new chapter being released... I've been following and reading alongside as you write for so long now, I can't believe the fic's never gonna be updated again :( I can't wait to read Marching On and thoroughly enjoyed reading Sink or Swim, I hope you keep writing. It feels like the actual end of an era. :/
Guest chapter 83 . 2/25/2015
Please write more about Eva to she was an interesting character thx ily
Guest chapter 83 . 2/25/2015
Great! Can't wait for the sequel, can there please be more of Eva? Favorite character of mine.
tealoverx chapter 83 . 2/27/2015
ah this was great! loved reading this, can't wait for the sequel! :)
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