Reviews for Sonnet
E chapter 3 . 9/21/2019
Though it was implied, I did not want to believe the Dragonborn was khajit. I'm not a fan of that so I'm not reading more, sorry. Your writing seems good though.
WildlyLaughing chapter 18 . 8/21/2019
I would just like to say, this story was absolutely brilliant and amazing
Omegaspell chapter 18 . 1/6/2019
It's amazing!
Guest chapter 2 . 5/4/2017
"It? It! Ajiira isn't an animal!
Last time I checked a Khajiit was an animal and not a plant. Why would Serana think the Khajiit are a type of plant? She must be incredibly stupid in this version of Skyrim. I'm very interested in reading on and seeing what other falsehoods she believes are true. The sky being green? Humans being able to breathe underwater? Her clear stupidity is both funny and amusing.
Pipeweedandales chapter 16 . 8/24/2016
I knew there was a reason I went 'subtle knife' after hearing about what the dagger did!
kalani.gapido chapter 18 . 12/15/2015
Saberbeam chapter 18 . 12/13/2015
Which is more enjoyable in this chapter, the emotions or the food? It's a tough call, because they are both great :) I admit, I expected things to be a bit more complicated for Severus once he finally convinced himself to forge ahead with his new course. But then, given all that he had to go through to get here, it's nice that he seems to have finally caught a bit of a break. That being said, even though he seems to have resolved everything on the Terran side of his life, there's at least a few lingering issues he needs to see to in Skyrim other than the ones addressed in this chapter. I guess what I'm saying to our author is that, well this seems like it could a good ending for her story, if you keep writing, we'll keep reading :D

It really is moving how readily Severus is accepted back, and his little chat with Quaranir is a good reminder that he has other ties in Tamriel than those at Lakeview. I hope to read more of how things have changed well he's been gone (are the Thalmor still after him and/or Ajiira, and what about the civil war)? Here's to the next chapter!
trebeh chapter 18 . 12/4/2015
Now if only our author would give an epilogue filled with some wizard/kitten children and married life *hint, hint, wink, wink*
Ardianna Keeper chapter 18 . 11/28/2015
I did a little squeal for joy when I saw this! This is by far one of the best crossovers available! I am so glad that severus returned and that no one was grouchy about it! I hope you continue to write Elder Scrolls stories after this tale is done.
Firesgone chapter 18 . 11/27/2015
And here is the happy ending that I was hoping for! Thank you Yeghishe!
Firesgone chapter 17 . 11/22/2015
This has been one of the best stories that I have ever had the pleasure of reading! Thank you and all who have contributed to this... I am at a lost of words to describe your story. Although I also hope that you do not end this story here, you certainly have ended this last chapter of your story brilliantly!
Saberbeam chapter 17 . 5/24/2015
This was a fascinating chapter and, despite the somber tone, I rather enjoyed it. It was very interesting watching Severus try to reestablish some degree of normality in his life on Earth. Well I still think that he really belongs back on Skyrim with his family, it's probably a good thing that he is getting closure on some of the many things that drove and haunted him throughout his life. The scene in the marketplace and Severus's mental aside were very touching, and it was also interesting in that he knows exactly what drove him to leave even while he regrets doing so.

As always, the descriptions and explanations in this story are nicely done. There are some areas that I am a little lost on, like whether the world at large now knows of the existence of Hogwarts and magic in general? Or did they in the first place (I should probably just read the Harry Potter books, shouldn't I)? I can't think of anything that would be keeping Severus on Earth now, but we'll see if he can bring himself to overcome his fears and seek out his family again. Please keep the chapters coming :)
000AccountInactive000 chapter 17 . 5/22/2015
;-; I hope he can at least find peace.

Thanks for the chapter and great job!
dragoon109 chapter 17 . 5/22/2015
am not sure i understand severus attitude toward lily and the others. unless you changed canon history for your story he has very good reason to hate them and lily. so what is up with that? he should at least be disapointed in her, after all she was blind, a hypoicrite, and allowed propaganda to taint her views of her best friend she lost trust in with out ever asking him a simple question but only made demands of him.
Furionknight chapter 17 . 5/22/2015
I look forward to more :)
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