Reviews for Blossoms for the Blind
Guest chapter 1 . 3/3/2015
This fic was so perfect! They are very in character here haha, damn watsuki didn't write in the manga what happened to aoshi and misao at the ending, i'm grateful to him that kenshin ended up with kaoru but he should have wrote about aoshi and misao too
Mizz Loon chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
This story was cute and I also believe the characters were "In Character", which is hard to find in fanfiction these days. Thanks for the wonderful read friend, chow!
Ione-Sama chapter 1 . 7/23/2014
Ahh! So sweet! Loved it.
Bonsoir chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
Oh wow. I just wanted to say that this was brilliant. You managed to string together so many aspects of their relationship into one short story that I'm impressed. My favourite lines: "This is what she wanted. To stand here and listen to the sound of his laughter until she grew old and her bones turned to dust."

Dear God. You just. In two sentences you wrote Misao. You wrote her as if you understand you. I'm almost speechless I can't even think of how to say that I love this piece. Aoshi was nice as well; he felt so in character that it warmed my heart! "I am already won," is just so simple, so perfect of a thing for him to say.

The laughter struck me as him almost losing himself for a moment, snapping in the best of ways, like someone who laughs or cries at something after denial and pushing away of emotion; someone who has been through too much finally relenting.

Aoshi's jealousy was brilliant as well, because of how you wrote it. I love that he found his own jealousy deplorable. It fits him so well. I'd definitely love to see more A/M 'fic by you, because I feel if anyone can do more justice to this pairing, it's you. I didn't feel like the ending was very sappy; it was sweet, and positive, but it didn't end with, "Oh they were both perfectly content forever and they never misunderstood one another again." Instead, we have this lovely story concluding on a positive note for the future.

Okon and Omasu were nicely done, too: they like teasing her but they're sensitive to her heartache at the same time. I felt it, too, right along with Misao, and honestly I think the pain was worse because I knew that it was a misunderstanding. (I love misunderstandings between characters in 'fic when they make sense, so I loved it in this 'fic!) Misao's embarrassment being physical pain almost was perfect. I loved that whole scene, but I really loved the line about how she'd let him mock her forever if it meant he'd laugh again. That was so sad and perfect and Misao-esque that I can hardly even think of what else to say about it.

Beautiful job. Thank you for a lovely read. :)
Celeste Belle chapter 1 . 11/20/2013
I adore this story! When Aoshi says he is already won, I grinned so big my face hurt! Great story!
crazyfan17 chapter 1 . 11/4/2013
so cuuuute XD
Miia Swann chapter 1 . 10/19/2013
This was simply perfect!
Nascha14 chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
I thought I'd poke my nose in on your corner of the world AND I AM SO GLAD I DID. Initially I was creepily stalking you because you've reviewed MY fic loads of times (squee!). I hope you can forgive me though, because I thoroughly enjoyed this entire story. Like, every heart-wrenching, warm-fuzzy-inducing, giggle-ripping moment.

Yeah. Giggle-ripping is totally a thing.

ANYWHO, I'll just be sitting here, basking in this story's afterglow for a while. Don't mind me.
MiyukiShinodaMindFreak chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
Awww this is so cute!

However, there are a bit of typo errors somewhere...
Anon chapter 1 . 8/3/2013
Oh love love love love 3 This pretty much sums up why I love AoshixMisao. There are loads of lines here I just adore. Lets see... 'the rest of the world simply seemed to melt away in these hours, and there was only them, with their pot of bitter tea and china cups warm in their hands.'
'a success, she declared, and made sure to send plenty of paperwork his way'
'hate everything about you... love everything you are' 3
'you were attempting to woo me?'
'and though the flowers died soon after, they lived on'
It's just so... them! The perfect mix of humour and angst, that's Aoshi and Misao for you. Beautiful. Please write more!
faintsound chapter 1 . 7/24/2013
wow that was well written and really cute story. I love A/Misao too and your story made me laugh at the part when Aoshi asked if she was trying to woo him xD And Misao made the first move hahaha :D
icecreamapparition chapter 1 . 7/17/2013
Kyaah that was so embarrassing, but I love it. The letter, the actions, it was all MISAO. And it was so Aoshi to purposely ignore the flowers. But it turned out great, and I loved everything from Aoshi's laugh onwards. Everything flowed smoothly. It was short, but it said it all. Very sweet. Not to mention you get plus points for making Aoshi's confession direct and not cheesy, haha.

My favorites lines:

"I am already won."

"And though the flowers died soon after, they lived on."
silent canary chapter 1 . 7/15/2013
There aren't enough words to describe how much I adore this story. First I would like to say thanks for contributing to the AoshixMisao pairing. What I loved most about this story would have to be the humor. Misao attempting to court Aoshi is such a cute idea and you wrote it out wonderfully. Misao really would be the one to make the first move. I love that she serenaded him. I also love how her wooing attempts led to Aoshi having to do the paperwork.
Misao was characterized perfectly. She was sweet, playful, impatient, energetic and all the things that make Misao lovable. Aoshi was possessive yet hesitant and still repentant which made for the perfect combination. I really like that you took a more lighthearted approach to him. The romance was really sweet and Aoshi and Misao's love and devotion for each other was clearly felt( especially the part where Misao was willing to have her love mocked if only to hear Aoshi laugh more). All in all it was an amazing story and I hope you write more for Aoshi and Misao.
Lemon-Lime chapter 1 . 7/12/2013
An A/M fic after so long! Loved it!
Felix02 chapter 1 . 7/10/2013
Haven't read anything in this fandom for a LONG while. it's been many years now, and this was a great way to start. He was already won. So cute! Loved it. Thanks for sharing.
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