Reviews for Harry Potter and the Weaving Lines of Fate Part 3
Totally Kowalski chapter 1 . 2/3/2018
Omg I haven’t read this in FOREVER, Love this story! 3 I will read when I have more time. 3 you are awesome! -TK/K101
YAPsych chapter 15 . 8/17/2015
The story you have created for Sirius, Moria, Remus, Geoffrey and Maxine is fascinating. Most of all Maxine ; you can really see both Sirius and Moria in her and through her abilities. However, you have done a great disservice to Lily, James and most of all Harry. You don't see anything of Lily or James in Harry. Most of all their abilities. James in canon was tops in transfiguration, DADA and excelled in potion and charms. Lily was tops in charms and along with Severus potions and excelled in DADA and transfiguration. In canon when times got trying and were at their worst is when you would see Harry shine yet here he seems to collapse and fall behind his younger *sister*. In the canon I always thought(with proofs within canon) Harry didn't show his true potential magically because for 11 years he lived with the Dursleys and they constantly beat him down. Making him feel worthless and a nothing. Kind of like what happened to Merope, but at least she knew she was a witch with a rich family background and not absolutely nothing. Which showed in her weak showing of magic ability as Dumbledore said to Harry. Harry didn't even have that knowledge until Hagrid came for him. So for 11 years he really thought he was nothing, worthless. It is amazing he was able to show any magical ability accidently when younger. He also had the power leaching horcrux in him; which in this story I believe he still does? I mean canon Harry was stronger then this one and that makes no sense. Now he is with loved ones and he knows right away he is a wizard. He sees what magic can and can't do. Moria has been both a healer and an auror ;top jobs that only take the most talented magical people. We saw how much progressive Harry made in canon when Remus was his teacher. That was just from a small amount time, of love, compassion , pride and an understanding from his teacher. He didn't know the real connection with Remus until later. Able to not only learn to cast a corporeal patronus but one that could scatter roughly a hundred dementors ; showed Harry's true potential. Perhaps most crazy is he isn't even as confident on a broom as he was in his first year at Hogwarts and he has been flying all the time. In the canon book he didn't know he had flown before but took off with speed and confidence after Draco. Then dove for Neville's remembral with no fear. Again makes no sense logically. We know confidence and love make magic strong but they seem to have the opposite affect on Harry. I am sure this story was made to highlight Sirius and most of all Moria and Maxine but you did it by making Harry look bad which seems almost shameful. Would have been better if you left Harry with the Dursley's so at least all of Harry's flaws would make some sense for how people think and feel. Beautiful story for Moria and Maxine but disappointed in other aspects. Counseling people like Moria and Harry and even Maxine for as long as I have , I truly have seen what remarkable people can come out of the worst beginnings. But I have also seem then go the other way, never have I seen what you have done to Harry. Better environment, less pressure, more confidence yet Harry is either backtracking slightly or stalled. Doesn't make sense. I can't say what magic does to the situation but I know people intimately. Canon has showed us what happens in a bad environment Merope, Severus, Sirius and to some extent Lily. We also see what happens in a good environment, James, Arthur, Molly and to some extent Alice and Frank. We also see what happens to people when their environment changes, Tom Riddle, Sirius, Neville. Well you get the idea, so if we were to go by canon it seems magic doesn't change the core of what happens to people but it amplifies the affects. I really think the story is brilliant outside of what you have done with Harry. If you are thinking I am one of those people who think the story is all about or should be all about Harry you would be mistaken. I actually didn't like him much as a character. Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Dumbledore, Remus, Minerva, Molly and Arthur were much more interesting and viable characters to me. It just seems you have broken logic, I mean human logic as in how people think, respond, react in a way that doesn't make sense in the real world,or in the canon series or even in the world you created. Harry is outside and not in a good way. I am sorry for the rant , but you see I like this story a lot and it hits upon my passions strongly. I hadn't read the stories until many of the people I talked to used the books for analogy to try and convey to me things. So I have ended up reading many books I wouldn't have on my own unless my kids asked me to so we could discuss things. Then I was told about this place by some of them and have started reading some of the good and bad fanfics here for the very reason I read the first HP series by JKR. I can't deny I am worried what younger , broken, healing or confused person might make of your story. It is a story worth reading but with the way Harry is written I can see many of them getting the wrong ideas. I know I worry too much about those under me but can it be helped? I think not, I want the best for everyone that I am trying to help. I apologize for the rant, I really do...I guess I am just reeling. Last part reminded me so much of the birth of my beautiful angel but the nagging feeling of what has become of Harry has overwhelmed me.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/27/2014
Moira should be home raising the kids instead of working!
S.Peridot chapter 21 . 9/26/2014
Who the hell was that?! and Max :( when is gonna start talking again?
UnderHappy chapter 20 . 9/24/2014
omg. That's one of the best fanfiction I've ever read. I've read all the part in, what, 72 hours. It's just awesome!
S.Peridot chapter 1 . 8/27/2014
Forgot to mention this a minute ago. But on the iPad you can't highlight words to copy, so I can't open the links. Can you please put them in your profile?

S.Peridot chapter 20 . 8/27/2014
No : She will talk again right?! Sometime soon? I really like her? So when are their Hogwarts years start?
Malkavian-Rocker chapter 14 . 1/27/2014
Just read the whole thing in a weekend after I read Divine Nataku praise it. Very good, indeed. I must admit I'm a bit impatient for the school days, but I'm also curious about the childhood days.
My only criticism would be that you have a LOT of kidnapping going on. You should make sure it doesn't get too repetitive. Otherwise good job, keep it up.
zZSweet-JasmineZz chapter 14 . 1/13/2014
XD lovely! I really can't wait!
Erbanana chapter 14 . 1/13/2014
Too many new character names! *backs off in alarm*
Io's Torment chapter 12 . 11/22/2013
I loved Spirited Away, it was so beautiful. If you feel like it, check out these;
art/Bleed-186609503?qgallery%3Aalicexz%2F8004993&q o19
Please keep writing! I love your stories. :)
Io's Torment chapter 9 . 11/22/2013
I liked your idea about the spirits, that was very interesting, and well done. And I'm glad you explained about Giacintro.
Io's Torment chapter 8 . 11/22/2013
Ohhh, the was interesting and... vague. Foreshadowing; it makes waiting for the next chapter a bitch. (Thank god I don't have to wait this time.)
Io's Torment chapter 7 . 11/22/2013
Go Max!
Io's Torment chapter 4 . 11/22/2013
I don't like Giacintro. How could he possibly know what Moria has gone through? She's fought a war, been captured and tortured but sadistic bastards!
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