Reviews for Dresses, Wigs, and Silicone
Just good ol me chapter 13 . 11/21/2016
This is a horrible cliffhanger! Like seriously!
Argh.. I don't know who I want more for Naruto, Itachi or Sasuke. I love them both!
Please UPDATE! I desperately need to know what happens next!
YaoiFanGirl6221 chapter 13 . 10/8/2016
Love this story. Please please please update
BlackChoko chapter 13 . 4/12/2016
Okay so I REALLY hope you have more for this fanfic, because I am getting REALLY interested in it! o.o

Please don't just leave the story like this!
BlackChoko chapter 7 . 4/11/2016
I kind of liked this chapter, although you said you did not.

Though It's a shame you make those whoopsie mistakes.
It needs someone who could read it through to make sure there won't be that many mistakes.

BUT I will also say that the story in itself is catchy.
BlackChoko chapter 6 . 4/11/2016
Oh my Fluff o.o ...
BlackChoko chapter 5 . 4/10/2016
Okay... To be honest, at first I was like.. "Why am I even reading this?" There were flaws with grammar and things that I wish could be beta'ed, but the more I read I became "And why do I like this!?", because honestly, the story is catchy. And I want to know what will happen!
Though I must say some things are not great, but your story has such charm.

I actually enjoy this, and I will look forward to continue reading this story.
- I don't hope my review was too harsh... Don't hate me _

But I have a feeling that I will soften up to your story the more I read.
Sedieca chapter 13 . 3/9/2016
oh god you have to finish this story please!
Just an adorable Zero-chan chapter 13 . 2/27/2016
owh! please update x3
i hope Naru will choose Itachi ;w;
OrangeJellyfish chapter 13 . 11/14/2015
Nooo! Did he do IT with Itachi?! And fuck you teme! Nobody cares if Naru-chan's really a guy! He's fucking beautiful!
OrangeJellyfish chapter 10 . 11/14/2015
Aww so kawaii!
OrangeJellyfish chapter 8 . 11/14/2015
Oh shit...
OrangeJellyfish chapter 6 . 11/14/2015
Oh shit the miss spelling when Itachi said Naruto instead of Naruko scared the shit out of me! I thought he found out... XD
Hinatauchiha1 chapter 13 . 5/9/2015
I think that naru should stay with itachi he loves him even if he know the truth and even if he is a boy I hope he stop being the play boy he was and be with naru,and sasuke well he just doesn't deserve naru he called hi mean names and treated him badly at the moment he knew everything that's not love I hope he ends up with itachi please update
Kyuubi-kun666 chapter 13 . 3/14/2015
Kelly M. Black chapter 13 . 10/22/2014
Please update soon! I know it has been awhile since you last updated but I really want to know what happens next! I really want to see who Naruto chooses! (I hope Sasuke) Anyway please update!
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