Reviews for who needs cupid when you've got a brother
sonder this chapter 1 . 3/10/2015
And here I was thinking this was just the first chapter to an incoming multi-chap. But it looks like it's not meant to be D;

But enough of the dramatics. What I really adored here and found different was that you didn't have Gou as a jealous individual - no one would blame her if she did get jealous but taking into consideration of the extent of love she has for her brother, your course of direction seems more believable. The other plausible course would have been that she does get jealous but feels guilty of it immediately after. But true to human feelings, she is not completely selfless as you have shown at the end here, she does want to see Haru for herself too.

While I think it lends a certain element of innocence that she has been admiring Haru even before she has met him, I feel like the main thing that was missing here was that we never got to truly see her interactions with him. I feel her infatuation stems more from idol-worshiping than any actual one-on-one contact. Sure, you did mention how she eventually got more involved in their conversations but even that was more of a passing note and from there, it felt more like she was a passive observer. Even when she was in the same room or walking with them, it was always more of Rin and Haru - which I understand, close bros and all that. But it is that certain distance that makes it hard for me to believe her feelings for him goes anything beyond admiration. But otherwise, this is a nice take on the Matsuoka siblings x Haru. You didn't overkill the romance but rather, you based it more on a close friendship that blurs into love. And really, isn't friendship a shade of love anyways? It is not the kind of love that first emerges from lust but a truly deep bond - and this is coming from someone who normally avoids slash shipping.
Peque Saltamontes chapter 1 . 10/10/2013
I LOVE THIS. What if you write a longer fic about this? ;w; SO GOOD. I'd love to read something like that!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/23/2013
Nicely done :) ahah lol yeah it is kinda of like momoi x aomine x kuroko.
Shadow of the Angel chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
Awww, I like. If only it were longer

I like the kuroko no basuke analogy :D
Lost-for-life chapter 1 . 8/8/2013
Update soon
Arikari chapter 1 . 7/30/2013
OMG YES. This story is great! Please update!
phiree chapter 1 . 7/29/2013
I like the whole Rin and Gou sibling relationship here. I think you got it perfectly right, and that's what made this story so interesting.
cheerful-pinkstar chapter 1 . 7/13/2013
I like Gou/Kou :D :D I like how you write her! She's so kickkkkassss
Guest chapter 1 . 7/11/2013
:D all my love! what a brilliant story. i like how you handled all the characters, including Gou!
Say-It chapter 1 . 7/10/2013
This is so painfully perfect omfg.
Best headcanon ever!
MortisLunaris chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
Gouraka :D.
You da best man.
xXDoubtfulAdmirationXx chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
LOVE TRIANGLE! :D FUCK YEAH ANGRY RIN, YOU RAISE HELL! Ahh the modes of reading stories I actually like how you incorporated Gou, I honestly hope she doesn't end up getting with one of the boys -3- because then I'd raise hell. BUT I GOPE TO SEE YOU WRITE MORE FOR THE FREE! FANDOM! :3
katekat chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
Omg I really love this so much I just love this