Reviews for Mystic Naruto
Ryoji Mochizuki chapter 4 . 9/10/2016
Thebestoftherest chapter 4 . 3/19/2016
Good story would like a fifth chapter.
kazearashika chapter 4 . 3/6/2016
mark chapter 4 . 1/14/2016
Quickly my ass
jrock117 chapter 4 . 5/4/2015
And this is a 9.65/10, the length is still my biggest problem. Also, I was expecting a big turnabout interigation, with the magatama and all that, I was really excited, but then you-
"Then you just... Ruined the ride." A tall slightly chubby man stands next to me, orange hair like an evil Einstein, black suit with a large silver 'S' and silver cape.
Kinda, it saddened me not to see a whole testimony in a hospital, do you think you'll fix that later, or are you going to do that with a later character. Either way, I'll read it.
Also, you don't have to if you don't want to, but please fix the length, the chapters are too short. Over and out.
jrock117 chapter 3 . 5/4/2015
Still short, but got many times better, 9/10.
jrock117 chapter 2 . 5/4/2015
Well... Um... Is it bad to say that I actually expected longer? A-anyway, before I get burnt, here are my thoughts, amazing and lacking. Take that however you wish, I'm gonna stick with it. I see where this is going now though, second chapter brings the problem of Naruto needs a lawer and Nick is the only lawer there. I like it, still the same as before though, 7/10. Time to visit Chree, the third chapter of the hidden story village.
jrock117 chapter 1 . 5/4/2015
I'm not one to usually give reviews (this being my first, on an iPod no less) and I'm not even sure if this whole story is finished yet (god I hope not) as I have only read the first chapter, but this is amazing, both in a sense of "how can someone make this a good crossover" and "how'll this turn out on the episode... Of"! Just holy crap! It is a little less than what I expected, but a little more as well.
Good Example: when the characters talk, I can actually imagine them and their voice. (kind of hard for Ace Attorney characters, since I've only played the first 2 games) But for the Bad Example: (I'm a big Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Naruto- Naruto: Shippuden fan, and both are known for their descriptiveness, but the way it's typed leaves quite some work for the imagination) Naruto is supported by 7 people, and I'm guessing Choji was one of them, but who were the rest (actually it's easy to tell who the 3 kids were) but that leaves 3 other people.
Now those who don't know me, I'm just beginning a story of my own, so just what the hell do I know about what makes a good story? Truth is, I don't. Probably, I might know, but I'm just a rookie. Again, I have only read the first chapter, and for all I know this story could have been majorly worked on in the second chapter, I don't know. And I will note that I am not a professional, most likely the furthest thing from one.
Here is my summary of my above bull$#!; pretty good with amazing character' personality and their actions, still on the border of whether the dialog is good or great, the descriptiveness is "meh I can live with it", and the length by which the chapter went by is now on my list that I will later give Shelly de Killer. All in all, 7/10
I want more, on to the second chapter!
Gamelover41592 chapter 4 . 3/27/2015
this has potential I really hope you have not abandoned this but question will Naruto leave the leaf and if he does how will he help Phoenix?
AE-Kurisu chapter 4 . 2/9/2015
Time for another review!

I find it sweet that Maya was by his side for all that time! I wonder how Naruto will explain Kyuubi to her if he has to... Perhaps telling her a bit of his past would help ease her into it... Nick has arrived to do his thing! I can't wait for the trial now! It's sure to be full of drama, action, and lot's of revelations! Poor Pearl. I understand that she's scared, but I can't help but be sad about how she sees Naruto after that horrifying experience. I really hope that Naruto doesn't have resort to drastic measures in order to keep Kyuubi at bay.

Once again, perfect spelling and grammar.

In your AN, you said you had the story completely planned out, but it's been almost a year since you posted an update! I guess life interfered, or you probably lost interest in this story, which is sad because it has a huge amount of potential!

Wrapping up, once again, you deliver an awesome chapter! I really, really hope that the day comes that you continue this story! See you whenever!
AE-Kurisu chapter 3 . 2/9/2015
Chapter 3 review time!

I wonder about Hiashi's reaction to the civilian's claim... perhaps in this story Hiashi and Minato were good friends? Do Maya and Naruto even know each others name? With how much spirit energy Naruto has, surely the Kurain Channeling Style will help him with his control, that is, if he'll even be allowed to train in it. Poor Naruto, his day can not get any worse than it is... Stuck in a full body cast after saving Maya from the exploding crystal ball. The part where he woke up to her sleeping near her bed was a bit cute in my opinion. The red taking over so quickly has me concerned with how busy the Kyuubi has been.

The part with the spirit reading was pretty cool, but perhaps the explanation could've been done from either Maya's or Pearl's POV. Speaking of POV, the switch from first person to third person (last chapter to this) was not expected. Thankfully, you put a small notice before the chapter. I should've asked this in the first chapter, but how exactly are the Ace Attorney gang in Konoha? I know the 'eff logic' part would just hand-wave this issue, but with how different the technology is when you compare the two series, you can't help but wonder if the Elemental Nations is in a different part of Japan or something along those lines.

As usual, no spelling or grammar errors from what I can tell. There's not as much POV switching in this chapter compared to the last one, which is improvement in my eyes.

Wrapping this up, you have another good chapter! Things are starting to get crazy! I look forward to another fine chapter!
AE-Kurisu chapter 2 . 2/9/2015
Another chapter read, another review!

I remember saying that Nick's talents will be needed soon, but not that soon! I feel sorry for Naruto, having to deal with a council who's out to get him from the start! On his birthday no less! I found it funny how a village protected by ninja would have people who's crazy as hell about getting their fortune taken, to the point where it escalated to ridiculous proportions! I sure hope that meeting Maya again will help Naruto in some way...

One of the things that bothered me in this chapter is the constant POV switches. They tend to be a bit overwhelming if done too much. It was easy to follow, but still, way too many switches.

No spelling or grammar errors again. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You seem to be an author who takes great pride in your work, making sure everything is right before making a chapter public.

Wrapping up, another excellent chapter! I wonder how the Ace Attorney gang will help Naruto with his current problem (I can take a few guesses). See you next chapter!
AE-Kurisu chapter 1 . 2/9/2015
Interesting start to the chapter! I will admit to wanting more content, but I feel it isn't needed yet... I have a feeling that Nick's talents will be needed VERY soon!

I enjoyed how Naruto and Maya met! It made me laugh to see an eating contest between the two of them, but come on? Who do you think was going to win that one? First person perspective is a bit weird for me to read, even after all of the years I've been reading fan fiction, but it doesn't take away anything from the story as a whole. The end of the chapter reinforces what I said about Nick's talents being needed soon.

Spelling is perfect! Unless I'm tired, I see no spelling errors whatsoever. I'm not as well versed in grammar, but I don't see anything wrong in this area either.

Wrapping up, this is an excellent start to a crossover that I am hoping to see more of! See you next chapter!
Person chapter 4 . 8/24/2014
More more more!
Arum chapter 3 . 11/5/2013
Aww, I like this fanfic ! The beginning is great, especially with the noodle contest between Maya and Naruto, that makes the meeting real, I think. However, I think it may be difficult for Maya to train Naruto (I except them to do something like this )
I'm glad I disvover a beautiful fanfiction today. Please, post another chapter quickly ! Please !
PS: I'm French, so excuse me for my lows skills at speaking English T_T
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