Reviews for Weight of the World
Jeric Masters chapter 16 . 7/1/2017
So I'm like fours years late but I really enjoyed this story..I thought it was a nice change from your others
kenni-bun bun chapter 16 . 2/2/2016
I'm starting to notice that the stories that I've read, I haven't reviewed. Smh, shameful. Anyway, read it twice, still love it. Especially a bottom grimmjow.
pixiepop chapter 10 . 1/9/2016
Hi, just wanna say that I'm 25 soon and still read this stuff. I've also been rewriting the fics I started years back although I've not yet logged back into my account.

Everyone likes different things, your sister will mature and figure that out. I'm nothing like my siblings; they go out and party and drink and that is not my idea of a good time. In fact, it's hell to me.

The only person who doesn't get that is my dad.

Bit anyway, random response by the girl who's been quietly reading your fics :) they need some work on pacing but that comes with experience. Certainly don't stop cause your sister says its stupid.
EverythingButThe chapter 16 . 8/21/2015
Well, frankly, I loved it, and it don't see why it didn't get the popularity it deserved. The plot twist was good, but the ending could have been more decisive, like I really wanna know what happened to Ulqui and the others. Anyways, I really enjoyed it, thanks!
HelleBelle chapter 16 . 9/6/2014
Mmm very lovely ending LOL
Caitriona695 chapter 16 . 2/15/2014
I love the ending sentence in this piece.

A fun and adventurous work. Thanks for sharing it with us!
SharktoothSARA chapter 16 . 1/31/2014
This was a super story, very detailed and intensive. I liked all the plot twists to it as well, I'm saddened that you lost some attention for those because I thought they were an excellent element! Again, well written and loved!
MasqueradedMystery chapter 16 . 1/28/2014
ASDFGHJKL; ! I haven't found a story that held my attention from beginning to end for way too long. How much effort did you put into this?! It's brilliant!

Sometimes when reading stories of characters with double lives or with themes involving assassins and what not the details lack someway. A loophole may painfully present itself to readers while it was either ignored or hidden from the author... I FOUND NOTHING TO SCRUTINISE! Not saying I actively seek out to scrutinise people's effort but I couldn't help noticing the amount of detail laced throughout each chapter. I was thoroughly impressed with the use of jargon (well... it's jargon to me, sigh), which is only one of many indicators of the quality of this tale - labelling specific weaponry for example had me impressed to the point I searched them up to respect the specifications for the scene.

The relationship between Grimm and Ichi was endearing and the lemon was definitely hot... what really caught my attention was the overall plot. I think you played with time effectively, connections between the past and present were simply amazing. Thanks for posting this and sharing it with the fanfiction community! I hope support from admirers and fans alike ward off writer's block for your other creations. Thank you for all the time and effort utilised to bring others entertainment and best wishes for your future in the real world.

Take care,
- MasqueradedMystery
honeyMellon chapter 13 . 1/25/2014
Hmm interesting, sounds like Aizen's the one with the illness and not Gin? Interesting plot development. No idea why anyone would dislike it...
honeyMellon chapter 10 . 1/24/2014
Ah, to answer your rant...

There are some people who'd understand, while other just don't. I'm lucky that my husband is okay with my writing yaoi (though he'd never read it), but I can't imagine my brother or parents finding out. For one, I think it would traumatize them to know that I write porn!

The thing is, like it or not, humans are judgemental beings. When we're faced with things we either can't relate to, our first instinct is to reject. I don't think any of us are immune.

Anyways, my point is, we can only accept that we can't get everyone to see eye-to-eye and not let that discourage us.

All the best in your writing, don't give up!

By the way, about review etiquette, I personally like to reply to reviews via PM, and it always feels good to see a writer reply to a review that I'd left. It's a good way to increase readership too. Usually for me, if a writer doesn't respond, it makes me less inclined to leave another review because it makes me think that they don't care. Hehe but that's just my two cents. ;)
honeyMellon chapter 7 . 1/24/2014
Just want to let you kmow that I'm loving this! :)
honeyMellon chapter 4 . 1/24/2014
Ooo, I'm so glad I started reading this! Great writing, exciting plot!
StrawbrryX3 chapter 16 . 1/8/2014
I have to say, I normally don't like Ichigo topping, but I liked this one! Your storyline was awesome and I believe you are a very good writer! Never stop please! X3
StrawbrryX3 chapter 10 . 12/30/2013
Ya, I am pretty private...but I love fanfiction and believe we shouldn't have to be ashamed just because we enjoy writing and reading here! You go girl! I love your stories, so don't stop!
Cerulean Twin chapter 16 . 11/27/2013
I don't know who would criticize this, I thought it was a good story!
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