Reviews for Insignia
ghostsickness chapter 22 . 1/7/2019
Great story! Hope you continue some day. Also barely noticed the OOCnes, you did a good job keeping the characters personality!
ghostsickness chapter 12 . 1/4/2019
Is it Itachi or Naruto who's gonna be crushed and devastated? Also, love your story so far!
Guest chapter 22 . 12/31/2016
If Menma is some type of clone to Naruto and has the same mark as him, does that mean he might have some type of connection to Sasuke? Maybe not as strong as Naruto, but something? If they met, would Menma feel anything? It could be sort of interesting if Menma tells Naruto he'll take Sasuke off his hands if Naruto truly doesn't want him.

BTW, do you know "Les Twins"? They are real life twin brothers who are arguably the greatest hip hop dancers in the world. (You can find plenty of videos of them on youtube.) I always think about the two of them when Naruto and Menma are dancing together.
ColorfulNympho chapter 22 . 12/27/2016
All 22 in one day.
More sex scenes. Everywhere!
ColorfulNympho chapter 17 . 12/26/2016
Omg. Some kind of sex scene. Cut brief...but still
ColorfulNympho chapter 8 . 12/26/2016
I'm starting to like this.
Guest chapter 23 . 12/26/2016
Kinda ironic that ur saying it's all fixed when it is like this.. Im giving up on this story, to much hazzle and updates

p style"text-align: center;"strongHey guys./strong/p
p style"text-align: center;"strongso I know... yet another update. However, I want to apologize about the recent mistakes that have been happening. I'm not sure why, but fanfiction keeps formatting my documents weird and duplicating or deleting random chapters/sections./strong/p
p style"text-align: center;"strongi have fixed every chapter to be non-repeating, correctly formatted works. I do check my chapters with view mode, but I am now double checking via reading the chapter as a guest. /strong/p
p style"text-align: center;"strongI apologize for the unconvinces, but it is all fixed and I will continue to make sure it goes that way./strong/p
Guest chapter 22 . 12/26/2016
WTF. You need to edit this chapter. The conversation between Menma and Karin gets repeated THREE TIMES. Other parts of the chapter are also repeated multiple times, like Naruto's panic attack.

With so many copy and paste fails, I can't tell what is the real beginning of the chapter and what is the real ending of the chapter.

I'm not trying to be rude here, but it seems like every time this fic gets updates, something weird happens with the formatting. Even before you went on hiatus, I noticed this same issue with other chapters. Seriously, could you please get into the habit of checking the chapter after you upload it?
AngelBookKeeper chapter 22 . 12/26/2016
I can't read it, it's hard to find the words with the format
Guest chapter 23 . 12/26/2016
Your whole chapter is like this, how am I supposed to read this..

p dir"ltr" style"line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 10pt; text-align: center;"strongAnd as always...r-e-v-i-e-w please!/strong/p
p id"docs-internal-guid-b40b2758-3943-20e5-8c15-5f2bf1d897ac" dir"ltr" style"line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 10pt; text-align: justify;" /p
hr /
p id"docs-internal-guid-b40b2758-3941-9fdb-3f58-b81031b0ce32" dir"ltr" style"line-height: 1.38; margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 10pt; text-align: justify;"span style"font-size: 14.666666666666666px; font-family: Arial; color: #000000; background-color: transparent; font-weight: 400; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: baseline;"I fiddled with my watch, rubbing it around my wrist so much that I was a hundred percent sure it was leaving red marks. /span/p
YugiKitten chapter 22 . 12/24/2016
Hm the formating in this chapter is whack
tenebreyami chapter 22 . 12/23/2016
it would be really wonderfull if you could continue this story, I would love it!
dieanneace chapter 22 . 12/23/2016
i got a weird view of words but still able to catch up some words. and yeah, would be good if you keep on updating. will be waiting patiencely here in the corner of the room
aka-chan chapter 22 . 12/23/2016
i love this fic, i am. i love the plot twist, the 'mark' and the 'soulmate' concept. but i'm disappointed at certain parts. i thought this is sasunaru but why it seems more narusasu even the sex scene. i'm already heartbroken with the large amount of narusasu out there, so i really hope this fic is really a sasunaru fic. tq for reading my review.
Essenceof9 chapter 22 . 12/23/2016
That is such great news! I always thought the premise was unique and intriguing, so I'm glad you've come to realize what a good story this is. Thanks for posting the update. I look forward to reading more :)
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