Reviews for Snowfall
Ghibli Ninja chapter 1 . 8/6/2013
Awwwwwwwww! All of these snippets were just so cute and beautiful. Even the one with Ladd and Lua in it. They were always kinda weird, but I guess they work out together. And you even ended it with my favorite couple from the anime! I will love you forever
Ryujin Mei chapter 1 . 7/15/2013
Squee! once again you did a superb job! I absolutely enjoyed reading this! As usual! (_-)*
Them pairings! I loved them all! Claire X Chane is one of my top Baccano! pairings (after Huey X Monica..those LaForets have the best pairings IMO XD) but the Jacuzzi X Nice one was just too adorable! *W* Yay! our poor unlucky in love Firo got a cute moment! Firo and Ennis need more lovey dovey time, still waiting for Narita to go into detail about their wedding lol!
Nah, I really don't think the length difference is too much of an issue,don't worry too much!
Yeah.. I mourn the fact the the fandom is dying, if only they would give us a season 2 of the anime. The Light novel series on the other hand is as epic as ever! The 1700s arc and the 2000s arc are ah-mazing!
Ooooh I might come spaz on your forum ;3
Great job as usual! (_)b
of fan and fic chapter 1 . 7/13/2013