Reviews for What Happens Next
AiXConanShipper chapter 71 . 7/25/2018
Why do you stop writing this beautiful story?
AiXConanShipper chapter 71 . 11/7/2017
When the next update will be? I like this story very much
N chapter 71 . 9/20/2016
please feed leverrier to the ghouls from tokyo ghoul (preferably jason)
james karis chapter 1 . 7/15/2016
best story i read so far
Jomaster09 chapter 71 . 7/13/2016
are you planning to do a timeskip or something like that?
jy24 chapter 71 . 7/12/2016
This might be a new start to a new arc of this fanfic, I like it. So it was the real Noah inside of Allen that had helped Allen before. So there will be another soul living inside of Allen's mind, can't wait to read what would happen next. By the way, love the new DGM Hallow, can't wait for the third episode already.
Alice2795 chapter 71 . 7/12/2016
yayyyyy! updates! It feels like ages since I've read this. Why do I get this feeling that Neah and Crown are being Buddies-buddies at the time? Oh well...I hope u update soon!
jy24 chapter 70 . 6/20/2016
Please update this soon, I really want to know how they are going to survive for 3 years as the Independent Innocence takes over the Black Order and gone to war with the Noah Family. Now that they are entirely Innocence and they could rebuild themselves won't that be a disadvantage for the Noah Family? Please update soon.
dcdc123 chapter 69 . 12/7/2015
Hehehhehehe 69 chapters. I'm sorry. I had too
Justin k chapter 67 . 9/11/2015
I can wait till it's been corrected, though it'd be nice if you updated your "In This Century" fanfic soon.
Kashchei chapter 67 . 7/15/2015
Yay great chapter! I'm curious to know what happens next so you should definitely continue!
NightBringer325 chapter 67 . 7/15/2015
First I vote u continue this story and second good chapter like how u switched Allen with his uncle right there but im curious as to the other exorcists who I know are dead killed by tyki though yeegar could be counted as Rhodes kill not a good way to go at all by the way I think I'd rather be eaten by those butterflies from the inside out than be killed by her unless I get lucky with a candle through the brain.
Guest chapter 66 . 7/6/2015
Dgrayman is coming back!
smoothjas0814 chapter 66 . 6/30/2015
I enjoyed this chapter. THANK YOU for taking my torture request! I was in tears when I read it ! So beautiful! Muchisimas gracias!
Storm Reaper VII chapter 64 . 6/17/2015
I know that you're doing the Seven Deadly sins from FullMetal Alchemist, but once you're done with that phase, maybe you could try using Relius Clover from BlazBlue. If you want information regarding this, look up 'Relius Clover Astral Finish.' I should note that this move varies depending who he uses it on, so I suggest coming up with something clever that ties to Leverrier himself. Maybe 18th century interrogation tactics as a starting point?
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