Reviews for The Bracelet
Guest chapter 31 . 7/25
Is Kidd going to apologize to Sanji soon? I hope they can be friends again :c
Guest chapter 31 . 7/18
I love this story so much! I hope you will update on this story soon. Keep up the great work author! :3
panda-shii chapter 1 . 1/23
My review for this ff is that it's a really good written story with an amazing plot and the smutt is fantastic! (muwahahha) but the only thing I'm not really okay with is that many chatacters aren't really in character sometimes. Especially Nami. Nami is a precious chatacter and I am quite disappointed of how Nami ended up with a quite fucked up attitude and bitchy behaviour. I know you did it on purpose but I think Nami has gone too far with it, and to know that Nami also undergoed the same manipulation from Arlong kind of made me complex with the whole situation and still trying to comnect your book from the Canon itself. But, I understand if you want things to go this way. Atleast everything is fine now and Sanji already found his one and true love. So all in all it's a good 8.9/10 for me. Round it off it'll be nine.
FIREmizuchi chapter 14 . 10/10/2017
Just...what the fuck Nami. Really?
Guest chapter 3 . 4/20/2017
phantomschmerz chapter 28 . 4/6/2017
Hi there,
well, let's leave a review. maybe you'll be reading it someday in the future :)

I was really really really (!) suprised at how you turned this story on way or the other. Just when I thought: Yeah, know they get them!
you just turned Sanji and Zorro away from each other again...
I loved it so far! I praise you're style of writing, it is gorgeous.

the first thing that cought me on the wrong foot, was the idea of sanji becoming pregnant. I don't like this whole 'men get babys'-thing. But well, so far you have done a nice job for it to make some sense... somehow... well.. it is a spell, right? so I can cope with it.

but then (although I haven't read the last chapter yet) I noticed it is not finished...
this is really sad! I so hoped to have a happy ending and a little princess for Zorro to fuss over...

so okay, I'll read the last one and a half chapters and drown in sorrow, because I'll never know what the end will be.

AND! You brought Ace back! BEST EVER! Next to Sanji/Zorro... of course! XD
the fangirl in a wheelchair chapter 3 . 12/12/2016
j-swan chapter 31 . 10/13/2016
Your story is so good, that I stayed up until 9 in the morning reading it. I think I managed to read this whole story in a little over 24 hours. Maybe like 26 hours or something. Because I'm running on so little sleep, I'm probably going to crash soon lol (it's only a few minutes away from midnight). Question: Wasn't when Sanji got pregnant their first night even on the island at all? Wouldn't that week include him being out for three days and the wedding which took a few days putting together in the first place? Or did it take a few days for him to get pregnant like it would for when a woman gets pregnant? That would make sense, I think. Anyway, I really do love this story! It had me squealing and on the edge of my seat in anticipation/anxiety all the time lol.
FallenDead667 chapter 31 . 8/30/2016
Hey, are you planning to continue this story? I love it so much!
FallenDead667 chapter 4 . 8/29/2016
Hey, could I take the idea of Zoro and Sanji dancing for a fic I'm writing? I'll make sure to credit you for the idea. Such a beautiful chapter by the way :)
Guest chapter 31 . 2/14/2016
Oh. My. God. This. Is definitely the best zosan story i've ever red. And i've read many. I can't count how many times i said "aaaw" all of thus was so cute and i also love when all these people were harasing sanji and the rape thingie (poor sanji) i hope the baby will be a girl x3 i know you haven't updated in a while I reeaaally hope that you would continue this story.
Aura Law chapter 31 . 12/18/2015
When Sanji has his mood swings he has a really horny one and he hits on Law and Nami and Robin and Ace but he completely blanks Zoro making him mad and all the lovers of the people he hits on but no obe can do a thing because the second they try he hits them really hard with his steel shoes... that would be hilarious.
Guest chapter 31 . 12/7/2015
Oh please I am beginning you to continue this amazing fic of yours.! This is one of the best zosan fics that I have read. It's truly incredible. Please update this.
May chapter 31 . 9/18/2015
Hi !
I've been reading your story since the beggining and I had to tell you that your story is a rare masterpiece ! X) I think that it's part of the best things I've read in my hole life and in the top rank of what people upload usually on this website (I'm not intending to be insulting towards anyone, it's just that the majority of the fictions here are written to be short and easy to "consume"; and that's something good because it is also needed but the long stories where you are trying to convey emotions and make the story grown are way more difficults to write and thus to success). But "The bracelet"... it is what made me like - no wait! LOVE ZoSan and that was not an easy thing ! ;)

So, I'm loosing myself a little but it is because this story is so wonderful, I'm almost missing of words to describe how I liked reading your chapters, each week, month and year; and I don't know why you stopped writing this, but if it is because you considered that you had not enough reviews let me tell you this : I'm part of the people who loves to read fictions but not put any reviews, not because I'm disrespectful towards your work, but because I was afraid that my words would be misunderstood and hurt you as the author (as it already happened before and because of a comment 2 girls stopped writing! I was devastated knowing it was because of me ! :(). But months passed and I still don't see any new chapter, so I'd like to know why you stopped writing and if you plan on ending this story... ?
If that's the case - well I can't force you, but it's such a waste ! - you're really talented and that's the reason of this unending review (yes we've finally reach it ! ") ; I wanted to thank you very much for this story that took an important place in my life for some time !
If this can help you to find a new reason to keep on writing this fiction or whatever, then I'd be glad ; if not then I wanted at least to know that one more person love, enjoyed and respected your work, and that's enough for me.

Take care !
a very big fan of you ;3

PS : I'm sorry if some words or sentences seems a bit gramatically strange, but actually you see I'm... hm! french XD
Gureshingure chapter 15 . 8/9/2015
Thank you for including kidlaw in this amazing fic! Jealous Law is scary but cute! XD
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