Reviews for Lock and Key
ilene22p chapter 10 . 1/16/2017
why just why ... i love the fanfic until chapter 10 just why .i'm literally obsessed whit bay and ty and i spend all my night reading your fanfic is 3.20 am now .it was amazing i though the final chapter will be like they dont have any kind of problems i think i just need a happy final without any complications but thank you for spend your time wrinting this fanfic.. btw i read all yur fanfics days ago this was the last one ..
bellebea chapter 10 . 5/3/2014
This was so beautiful.

Did Ty and Bay get married? I think I missed that.
PLL lover1992 chapter 10 . 3/15/2014
I loved this story. Bay and Ty are by far the best couple ever, and I'm hoping they bring Ty back on the show soon. 3
Princessatsea chapter 10 . 3/3/2014
I loved this chapter and you really did put a lot of effort into it.

It could have gone wrong with all the plot lines and the long time frame, but somehow you managed to link it all together in a way that it flowed nicely.

The part of Ty's injury and the hospital almost made me cry, it must be horrible to go through something like that. I liked that you didn't go into much detail with his recovery and that you made him accept it and move on.

I liked Eva, she seemed right for Ty at the time and he must have loved her a lot. I also liked the detailed description of how she got progressively worse. It must have taken a long time to write, but it was so important for the story.

I also like how you changed Ty from when he was injured as a young man to a mature adult once his daughters are born.

Meeting Bay, well that was just the best. Although I would have liked to have read much more on that it worked to keep it short and sweet.

It makes me sad that LaK is finished. I really hope that you write more BAT fanfiction.
Lizzie chapter 9 . 10/15/2013
Another great update!
Princessatsea chapter 9 . 10/13/2013
Oh dear, you have outdone yourself and this is such a long chapter that I don't know where to start.

Loved the scene in the morning and how Ty feels happy and guilty.

"We can do other things" where have I heard that before? ;-) reminds me of a pregnant Bay in the hotel room.

"Our bed" that was my favorite line in this whole story. How cute was that!

Love the little details you add about the breakfast food and Ty buying the tickets from a sour looking attendant, very cute.

30 minutes to drive to base? Didn't Ty walk that distance in the previous episode?

I love the detail about Ty's baby sister and what a cool name is that! Are you planning a reunion at some time? Maybe Bay's meddling?

The road trip was adorable as well as your portrayal of Angelo and the little sneak away in the truck. Very clever to have added that after Angelo forbade them any interaction and not before.

The Abby bit was cute and I wouldn't worry about not giving it much spotlight as it isn't Ty's story and your story is written from his PoV.

The picnic is so cute and I love how you always manage to get Bay to show that she is very impatient in little scenes, like walking up a hill or taking off Ty's pants. You write her so well. ;-)
BekaRoo chapter 9 . 10/13/2013
I loved this chapter a lot and I can not wait to see what happens next. Please please please update again soon!
Leppy99 chapter 9 . 10/13/2013
Love it cant wait for ur next update
RebornRose1992 chapter 9 . 10/13/2013
love it!
Princessatsea chapter 8 . 9/29/2013
I finally get to review my favourite chapter of my favourite story and I'm so sorry it took me almost a week to do it.

I love reading your Aida, I actually quite liked Aide in the series and I would have loved to have had a story there. So cute that she went to give him the DNA test.

While I had expected a family connection, the Justin angle I didn't. How interesting. Will you explore more? Maybe a joint visit to the grave or Justin's injury that ultimately made him commit suicide?

The nightmare was brilliant. I actually had to read it twice to get it and it was sooo fitting.

I loved reading about the text and Ty trying to make everything possible to make the room special for Bay. I can just see him go about it methodically.

One of my favourite parts is the diner/snack scene. That is how I would have imagined things to go and not just "I want a do-over" and boom-boom get in my room!

The family story is really complicated and you have a lot of material to continue with there. Why hasn't Aida told him where his Mum is and I can just see Bay starting her "investigation".

The walk in the park and when she told him about Emmett. That was sooo needed!

And then...Oh then! You just wrote it perfectly. My favourite part here the bubble bath mention...I feel like know you so well by now! Can't wait to read about that one!

The dance was sweet and the plastic rose and Ty trying to do everything to make Bay feel comfortable.

"My legs are killing me" I read that somewhere before, hahaha!

Also loved how nervous both of them are, and not just Bay. Her babbling and Ty silencing her with a kiss. So right.

I am longing for the next chapter and thank you sooo much for this one. I can just read it over and over. I am hoping to get one more chapter posted tomorrow.
ginmc chapter 8 . 9/24/2013
Great chapter, I love it. Can't wait for the update!
vanifernanda chapter 8 . 9/23/2013
loved it, looking forward to the new chapter, your great work
Lizzie chapter 8 . 9/22/2013
Amazing update! The chapters seem to be getting better and better - I can't wait to read what's next!

I liked how you added in Ty's thoughts and his past. I felt so bad for him - abandoned by both parents. But I think you wrote that scene and his emotions relating to it really well, as it's understandable that he really doesn't want to get into the details much and remember what happened. I'm really glad Bay told him about Emmett and the cheating as well, that's something I wish would've happened in the show.

Overall, I loved the Bay/Ty scenes and how he was trying to make the moment special for Bay. It really shows how much he cares about her and I love that she says that she trusts him!
girlygirl156 chapter 8 . 9/22/2013
loved it update asap
vanifernanda chapter 7 . 9/19/2013
please update soon, curious how that will happen, love bay and ty.
I also wrote a story about them.
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