Reviews for Mysterious ways
black59 chapter 10 . 10/9/2013
something whispered to me that Jack knew .
Here is a wonderful epilogue. what that says Jack at Ianto: very very beautiful!
What a beautiful Christmas gift!

I wrote, in the chp 2 I think, that I was disappointed. at that time, I must confess I nearly stop reading. Then, as I also indicated just after, I could glimpse ideas, possible ways ...
in the end, I'm not at all disappointed. As a bonus, your title is fully justified !
a great Bravo for your excellent work.
black59 chapter 9 . 10/9/2013
a little laughter in their stressful world, bravo! and LOL
Okay. This explains well the behavior of Jack.
Therefore, it is normal that Ianto search a solution!
Yes! this is an elegant solution and the product inhaled by Jack and Tosh is a good excuse for this mild sedative. Ianto stayed in bed with Jack.
Gwen suicide. Ianto found the perfect excuse!
I suspected that Tosh would see the tampering of the video. By cons I forgot the PUSH in the blood!
black59 chapter 8 . 10/9/2013
a little laughter in their stressful world, bravo! and LOL
Okay. This explains well the behavior of Jack.
Therefore, it is normal that Ianto is a solution!
black59 chapter 7 . 10/9/2013
Phew! I am relieved, she could not hurt Ianto.
I agree with Tosh: Gwen must suffer but be sure she will not come back!
I hope Ianto will not yield to the temptation.
Maybe it this alert provide a solution. unless it is a diversion from you for Ianto can do what he wants ... ;-)
black59 chapter 6 . 10/9/2013
Gwen is a bitch!
Tosh and Owen : aaawwwww!
black59 chapter 5 . 10/9/2013
This is a memorable wedding!

"Ianto rolled His eyes and opened His mouth to interrogate Jack some more diplomatic When there was a tap on the door 'Giles' Ianto guessed
Reminiscent A broad smile spread across Jack's face, 'Oh yeah' he purred
'At the door' Ianto pointed out patiently "

I'm afraid what Gwen will imagine for...
black59 chapter 4 . 10/9/2013
I was right!
Well, that explains the anomalous behavior of Jack. Congratulations, you blew me away!
Phew, the remedy are easy to find. The unknown is the time spent to take this compound
'Oi, Teaboy'
Ianto spun round angrily, 'what? What now? '
'Pants?' Suggested Owen, mildly.
Owen took precautions. It's better.

aaaaaawww, it redeems ALL! wonderful.
The ultimate revenge: make tell by Liz to Gwen that she witnessed their wedding! Because send a video will not be enough, she'd think it was a lookalike!
black59 chapter 3 . 10/9/2013
I could not imagine this beginning! LOL
then the little phrase of Ianto, the decline of Jack who still looking for lice at Ianto while it is his fault.
I am sad that Ianto feels responsible: this really is not his fault!
hey, it's true he took the maggot or he would have to wait until Jack sleeping it off, but the problem was that Gwen is worse than a pot of glue!
she would really be pregnant? argh!
good, they speak: it's something.
They confess their mutual love: cute!
Finally, Ianto is ready to fight. He's right, it is their second chance.
Jack sick? I do not know why but I immediately think of Gwen!
Fortunately he can count on Tosh and Owen

black59 chapter 2 . 10/9/2013
I love this roundtrip present / past : it gives hope that at some point he will meet Ianto .
Gwen is a real devil . I hope that Jack will give him the lesson she deserves!
but also in-depth work on his behavior ! !
WeLL on Ianto is able to disappear quietly .
argh, but Jack is crazy ! he loses Ianto because of his behavior caused by Gwen and installs with her? ? ? ? DIs , he is sick ? ?

so there! I do not expect this behavior Jack : he is is very full of himself and not even aware of his bullshit !

and above all when I read the " boy service " ( not to say gigolo or escortboy ) is called Jack , I immediately understood ! !

my first reaction is to be disappointed with the way that the story takes .
Then I wonder how they will react :Jack because Sylvie told Ianto as a very wanted man and Ianto , because Jack Ianto asked someone !

So, next chapter!
black59 chapter 1 . 10/9/2013
the beginning is already sad (Jack seeking solitude), I expect bad news.

Ianto forbidden billiard in pubs: LOL - I find it much more class that being forbidden Casino.
He has hidden our favorite Welsh resources (but I had no doubt!)
Gwen is still profiteering. argh!

it looks like Tosh scored his approach. good
cjanegray chapter 10 . 9/6/2013
Great story... But it does read like Ianto dies at the end... ?
Guest chapter 10 . 9/3/2013
wait! what?"... as he died." when? where? now? how? oh CRIPES! i'm freaking out now!

toobeauty chapter 10 . 9/4/2013
loved this to bits!
gramcb58 chapter 10 . 9/2/2013
Lovely ending! Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent!
sd4ianto chapter 10 . 9/2/2013
Wonderful story! ya hoo for Rhys and Tosh and Owen. And of course our boys!
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