Reviews for The Fanfiction Guide
Guest chapter 3 . 2/8
I feel most writers on fanfiction (and not) need to read this. You actually helped me with ellipsis; I wasn’t sure whether to use three or four. Thanks a lot!
Im a guest chapter 5 . 2/8
I’ve actually found good writers by finding reviews in a poorly written story. (By finding good grammar and such.) I also agree, it’s kind of annoying when people say things like that.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/8
Nicely done.
PJCKMCACSKSA chapter 2 . 1/13/2019
If you are still looking it is spelled relatable. And I thank you for writing this. As a new fanfiction, I like to read these in my spare time for advice. The chapter was really good in my opinion along with your last one. Both good, bad and neutral characters are important.
C o l o u r l e s s n e s s chapter 1 . 5/1/2018
Lol I hope your stories blow my mind after this
fierrocher chapter 2 . 6/14/2017
i don't write stories but i enjoyed reading this
aRTsyisAwesome chapter 8 . 6/5/2017
These writing tip are very useful and I agree on many of you points, because I see way too many chaos fic and Annabeth breaking up with percy just for his idiot half brother or something. I also find it annoying that some stories have an amazing plot but the granmar... Gah. Anyways thesee tips are awesome and I can't wait to read some of your stories!
CeruleanWave chapter 8 . 5/2/2017
Oh my gods, this is soooooooo gooooooood! I totally agree with you, LBC. Though I do tend to read the occasional Chaos and High School story for mindless entertainment. And could you tell me a good second-person narrative fic?

I can't count the number of times I've read the really well-written and interesting summary of a story and delved right in to find that even though the storyline is fabulous, the writing makes it impossible for me to read it and thrown my iPad down, closed the story and screamed. Run on sentence alert!

But seriously, this was a much-needed wake-up call. Hopefully I don't sound too much like a newspaper reporter.

Keep going!

zafiramirantiagung chapter 4 . 4/18/2017
I have another overused PJO plotline for you. Percy meets the Avengers. Don't get me wrong. It's a good plot- I legit cried after the first one I read- but now everywhere I turn there's another one!

It usually starts off with Percy being the last of the seven (sometimes they kill Sally and Paul too to make things extra angsty). Then, Fury finds a file about Percy then brands him as a terrorist (like seriuously?) and makes the Avengers arrest him. After they interrogate him, Fury wants to make Percy an Avenger! Yipee! Long story short, they help him over the nightmares and they defeat a villain together yada,yada, yada HAPPY ENDING!( or sometimes an angsty one depending on how evil they are).
Sorry for ranting. I just needed to vent.
Qwertywerido chapter 6 . 8/26/2016
Hidden is also a really good hogh school fic but it is an AU, mm, nevermind
Qwertywerido chapter 5 . 8/26/2016
This is very useful.
Natasha1Romanoff chapter 6 . 8/19/2016
I'm not of age to read fanfiction yet, but I'm writing stories, waiting for when I turn 13... and this had really helped me! Thanks! I get really annoyed at the things that you wrote (ranted) about as well...

By the way, the secondary school I'll be attending in September (I'm British) teaches Ancient Greek. I am so going to take that class (what do you think?)!
Tess826 chapter 8 . 7/13/2016
I'm just going to review the whole story in this:
1) I pretty much agree with everything you say here. Sometimes I want to slap people who write that sort of fanfiction.
2) Your chapters are incredibly written. I really like your style. You easy to understand. Even for me (I'm not from an English-speaking country and I'm currently learning English at school). You helped me with tenses. As I write in my profile, English grammar just isn't my friend. That's the reason I stopped writing stories in English. (Also... In one chapter in the end (I think it's the original storylines pt. 2) you have check out, but you have written czech out. (Czech is my native language) I'm not trying to criticize you or anything, I just saw it. )
3) Originality, I know. I've read so many repetitive stories. Also, I don't understand why in so many of stories with original character the OC goes to camp half-blood. I'm planning a story where the OC is mortal and somehow gets involved in all of this. I 100% agree with you with parentage. So many stories with Artemis's children. Or children of the Big three. Well, maybe I'm not long enough in Percy Jackson fandom to actually read stories with Calypso or Rachel as antagonists, but I personally never saw them as negative characters. I like original antagonists, but not when there is one OC antagonist and around him is an army of OCs. I lost track with that and lose interest in the story.
4) I totally agree with you about reviews and feedback! I leave review when I feel like it (and believe me, this is the longest review I have ever written). It's not every day I have something to say about the story. I respect that people who read the story don't want to review or don't have time. I have only two reviews on my story (I think it's because it's in Czech and there aren't many Czech readers), but I'm satisfied because it's feedback and I appreciate it.
Well, I think that's all I've wanted to say. I apologize for any mistakes I may have made (as I've written before, I'm not English). Great manual and keep up the good work!
Artsybookworm chapter 8 . 12/28/2015
This was really helpful! Thanks for writing it!
Rory chapter 1 . 11/24/2015
Yes! thank you for saying everything on my mind, it wonderful!
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