Reviews for Winchester's
Guest chapter 15 . 11/26/2013
C'est déjà la fin...(It's the end already...) Love this story, sad it's over but if you have told us everything your mind wanted, I'm ok with this being the end. So until the next one :)
Merci! (Thank you)

ArmyStrongPrincess chapter 15 . 11/26/2013
It has been a while since I reviewed, but I have been reading! You have done a very good job, and I'm glad that Ash is back! (The last line about Gabriel's eyes was my favorite)
Guest chapter 15 . 11/26/2013
aww that was a very cute ending! Gabriel's gonna work and cas and dean are all good and ah everything was good! I loved the last line, and references to chuck in your a/ns :') brilliant story!:) (more-profound-bond)
CastiellaWinchester94 chapter 15 . 11/25/2013
OMG... I'm feeling very mixed about you ending this. I'm glad you're not going to wear out the story, but but but, I love Winchester's!
Guest chapter 14 . 11/19/2013
Alors tu annonces la fin de cette fabuleuse histoire juste comme ça? (So you announce the end of this fabulous story just like that?) Only's ok but its so ok with me if you stretch it for 2 more weeks...2 c'est toujours meilleur qu'1 (2 always better than 1). J'apprécie vraiment Sam et Gabe et je suis avec Gabe ils devraient rendre cela permanent. (I really appreciated Sam and Gabe, and I'm with Gabe on this one, they should make this permanent :))Oh and Benny reading vampire book, loll... Happy to see that you're doing better. Update soon

Annie ;)
Guest chapter 14 . 11/18/2013
aw it's so cute! loved the chapter :)
CastiellaWinchester94 chapter 14 . 11/18/2013
Vampirates! Still the reason I love Benny. And Jo, you don't need to be so hard on Dean... :P actually, that's a lie, haha.
becca65d chapter 14 . 11/18/2013
So sweet that Dean can be a patient bartender as well as a good listener. He does however need to hire someone or he really will have no time to be with Cas
Prime-Of-Flowers chapter 5 . 11/13/2013
WOW. How did you come up with all of this. You are an awesome writer and I bet you have an awesome personality. Ha
Guest chapter 13 . 11/12/2013
Aw it was worth the wait! good chapter! Sam getting all jealous is cute, that guy was a douchebag especially bringing up their dad. and dean taking time off for cas! I'm glad you're feeling a bit better!:)
Guest chapter 13 . 11/11/2013
Oh and I forgot to ask...your Zeke is he a good guy or not? Because the one on the show...hmmm still not sure, the verdict is still up in the air in that one. And did I mentionned Thank you for a jealous Sam it make my day :) Still want you to take care of you

Annie ;)
Guest chapter 13 . 11/11/2013
Je suis sincèrement désolé que tu ne te sentes pas bien ( I'm so sorry that you don't feel great) J'espère que tu vas un peu mieux. ( Hope you're doing better) Très bon chapitre. (Really great chapter) Thank you for the mention of (finally...) Jo and Benny. So great. And THANK YOU for my jealous Sam (you're the best ) See not so funny when it's the other way around :) Continue it's such a great story. And can't wait to see where Dean gonna take Cas on a date. Alors prends soin de toi (take care of you) Advil, Tylenol, beaucoup de liquide et de repos. (Advil, Tylenol, a lot of liquid and rest) And for your ankle rest it, and maybe a treatment it french we call it ( bain contraste) so...contrast bath? It take 11 minutes, you have a container with freezing water and ice and in other one warm water. So 30 seconde your ankle in the cold water, after that 1 minute in the warm one, back to the cold water for 30 sec and so on...make miracle for swelling and the muscle :) Have a nice week

Annie ;)
CastiellaWinchester94 chapter 13 . 11/11/2013
Hi Zeke! Nice to see ya. And I probably woulda done the same as Sammy.
casyourruler chapter 7 . 11/7/2013
Really good. I'm really liking it so far.
casyourruler chapter 6 . 11/7/2013
That last note, lol
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