Reviews for What's With The Journal?
Keeper of Oz chapter 1 . 9/12/2013
I LOVED IT - There is something magical about Jack and Ianto together that I just love and I think you captured it amazingly - really nice work :)
Kammyh chapter 1 . 7/29/2013
Don't see why you would be nervous to post this!

It's adorable, hot, deep and simply perfect for the characters, who are depicted awsomely! I hope you won't take my words wrongly, but believe me when I say you have an amazing talent for writing sex scenes. I adored every bit of your story, but those scenes... Wow, they were something else entirely.

My only suggestion would be to cut the walls of text into shorter paragraphs, because that makes the reading easier. That said, great work :)
kismet38 chapter 1 . 7/28/2013
Very good story! Just right amount of hot and sweet. I will agree with the previous reviewer about the paragraph suggestion. It would help.
szolnok09 chapter 1 . 7/28/2013
ok, fist of all, I loved everything you have written (ok, I might be a porn-addict) and I would love to read some more from you.
But secondly, I'd like to give you a little advice: make more paragraphs. In the begining it was confusing I lost track of line more times, and I read something twice. But (again) when they're having their little chat, it improved a lot, and I was glad to see that that impovement stayed. I know it hard to make paragraphs at a sex scene, but do it not for those sentences being an another thought, but to make the reading easier. Believe me I know how hard it is, I'm suffering from this too. Really this was just a friendly advice, I really loved what you made the boys do.
Jess729 chapter 1 . 7/27/2013
Good show! Whew!

Are you planning to continue this story? I'll follow anyway incase you do decide to. :)