Reviews for My Awkward Angel
Sage jones chapter 1 . 7/9/2017
I have to say it. I'm mad. I have to many ships and OTPs Why most you give me another. Why. Anyway I love this story and wish you would continue I know life is hard. And all that. And I'm not saying drop everthing and give us more of this wonderful story. I'm just saying don't forget about it And I. Know you said that you wont. But some times life pushes it back. I'm you do. It's fine it happens to all of us. Uhhh I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. I'm not good at this stuff. But when you find the time please give us more. Sage
bononk chapter 7 . 6/8/2016
This is a really cute. I've had a fun time reading it. It's hard to find anything for this pairing, let alone something this wonderful.

It would be interesting to see what would happen if the other micronations somehow got the sketchbook and saw all of the art Kugel had drawn of Ladonia.

I hope you're doing well. Thank your for this fluff!
Unknown fan chapter 7 . 12/22/2015
This is soooooooooooooooo cute! Just one thing, why is newzealand younger than all the micro nations? Other than that, adorable fluff! Maybe Alrick visits Peter? Love it!
SkyePhoenixDove 'n TimeTurner chapter 7 . 2/19/2015
I really do hope all your troubles get over soon! You're so strong to be able to go through all that and still be so positive!

In the meantime, super glad that you're going to continue this. I absolutely love your writing, and this story is absolutely fabulous! It's so hard to find any good Kugelmugel fics, let alone one as amazing as this!

For an idea, it'll be great if Pete somehow got hold of Engel's sketchbook, and the gang then saw all the drawings of Alrick, shirtless and sleeping and…

Yeah. Keep being awesome! I'll be waiting!
Saltpath chapter 7 . 11/18/2014

I have a new otp, thanks to you! I really hope that you continue this story soon, and that you raise enough money to get back into collage! 3
The Little Chibi chapter 7 . 8/16/2014
I'm just glad you're not giving up on this story. Good luck with everything.
Nod D. Beilschmidt chapter 6 . 8/15/2014
When I sent my last reviw review I was wrong, sorry. I usually save the fics on my cell and gradually I'm reading them. FF don't aloud me to make another review in chapter 7. eweUu So I'll post it here.

Anyway, it's a shame you can not update for those problems. I hope you can recover soon. I wish you the best, I will wait until a new update. ;)
Nod D. Beilschmidt chapter 7 . 8/13/2014
Hi there, I really love your story. Someone recommend me this story, and 'til today I got the opportunity to read it. Btw, sorry if my English sucks. xD Hope you understand me. o3o I love Ladonia, kinda tsundere, huh? xD
Creator-Tan chapter 7 . 8/9/2014
I just about DIED when I saw this in my email. I love this story and I was heartbroken because I thought it was one of those stories that died with no explanation, but! I was wrong, and thank goodness I was! I wish you the best of luck, and will continue waiting patiently for another chapter.
Stay awesome!
(P.S. I've always had a headcanon that some of the girls (whoever they may be) would get Engel into makeup (fashion is an art!). So, I've always had this image of Engel sitting on a bathroom counter doing his eyeliner when Alrick walks in flabbergasted. I don't really think it would fit into the plot all that well (maybe Engel is trying to make himself look better to get Alrick's attention?) but it could be a funny filler :) Thanks for your time!)
RapunzelInTheSnow chapter 7 . 8/8/2014
It sounds like a really rough time! I'm so sorry you got kicked out of Art College, but I have every faith that you will be able to get yourself back there!
I think the only idea I have is that someone else likes Engel and makes him jealous, which is pretty old hat. But I can't wait to see more!
Creator-Tan chapter 6 . 5/10/2014
Not only do I adore this pairing, but I absolutely love this story! You are a very talented writer and I knew I shouldn't have clicked on this story, but once I read the first chapter, I was hooked. This story was already a year old, had six chapters, and wasn't completed. I was only disappointed because the story isn't complete. I know that once someone's lost interest in a story, it would take a lot for them to regain interest. I don't want you to force yourself to continue writing, but I just have to wish for a new chapter.
The characterizations are wonderful. The growing friendship between the main characters feels real and their personalities are just the same. I also like how Alrick still has his small circle of friends, rather than the entire APH cast, yet the main romance is still the focus. It's more slowly paced and that works for Engel's character. Too fast would've felt rushed, and any slower would've dragged on. Sticking to Alrick's perspective was also a good choice in my opinion. He's more "normal" and now he's adapting to this strange new roommate and seeing his reactions is more relatable.
My only problem was that I had gotten to chapter five and realized there was only one other chapter to read.
The Little Chibi chapter 6 . 2/11/2014
Wow- this is beautiful. You captured their personalities perfectly.
RapunzelInTheSnow chapter 6 . 10/16/2013
Why do you call him Engel? Never heard that name before, but it suits him, really. I want to write a Kugel story myself, so this is a question of 'do you mind me using this name?'
I really like this story, it is peaceful and nice to read. So, I will follow and will review from now on. It is a fantastic story, do continue it!
Yanelle chapter 6 . 9/24/2013
this is a really cute fanfic, I just love Kugeldonia :3
molamolapolkka chapter 6 . 9/19/2013
ah yes progress going niiiiiiice and sloooooow
and here's an idea
peter catching engel drawing alrick shirtless
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