Reviews for Rebirth of a Legend
a78l chapter 1 . 10/11/2016
very interesting fanfic
J chapter 55 . 5/19/2014
SPIKE9 chapter 80 . 10/29/2013
Seriously!? I was following this story until I, too left Fanfiction for a long time. I returned to finish it and you stopped here!? Get back on the keyboard and finish please!
Guest chapter 80 . 8/29/2013
It has officially been a decade between updates
Synphony in X Major chapter 15 . 3/25/2007
I want to say that you have a great idea with what you are writing, but everything happens too quickly, and half the time I dont know who's talking
JackOfBladesX chapter 80 . 7/7/2006
Love the story.
JunKing chapter 80 . 3/31/2006
Wow, this story is long, I haven't read it yet but i LOVE Dragoon OC'S! Judginh by the number of reviews, this story won't be a let down. Hey I was thinking about making a Dragoon OC story using me and other real students from my school. It would be set in modern times but they would have to travel back to the old times to discover their origins as dragoons. Tell me what you think, I'm going to print out your story in school. I hope the printer is quiet cuz it's going to be printing like NO TOMORROW! Lol!
Whambamm chapter 80 . 7/14/2005
Well this is my first time to come to this site and this is the first story I have read. Might I just say that you did a very good job on this story. Very original and the characters for the most part were just awesome. I hate to be another person to beg, but I would greatly appreciate it if you got around to finishing this story. And to the people who keep saying that there should have been a love triangle between Dawn, Rayen, and Kyra need to realize that Dawn is for Phil.
Meredyth Watts chapter 80 . 6/30/2005
you do realize its been almost 2 YEARS since you last updated this story, any chance you can finish it soon, thanks and if not, GOD DAMN YOU, YOU QUITTING...QUITTER(srry i had to do a phill-esque temper tantrum)
cloudfightback chapter 1 . 5/5/2005
not bad
Regrem Erutaerc chapter 80 . 2/20/2005
I just finally finished re-reading Rebirth. This last chapter was rather confusing compared to the other chapters, and rather sad. I still really hope that you make the fic a love triangle between Rayen, Kyra, and Dawn. It's still really good though.

As for your fics, I must say that thusfar, my favorite fics of yours, from most favorite to least, would probably be: "Rebirth of a Legend", "Legacy of Blood", "Soa's End Game", and "Like Father, Like Son". I don't know why, but I just don't like "Crimson Wings". Can't really explain why.;( Anyways, I truly hope though that you'll soon update one of those top three that I listed._ Great work though. You are definately one of the best authors in the entirety of this site, and I can't wait to see more of the great works done by you._
Regrem Erutaerc chapter 27 . 2/14/2005
The Jade Dragon that Lavitz and Albert summoned were not like Feyrbrand at all. It did appear slightly like a but, but also like a machine in a sense as well.
Regrem Erutaerc chapter 25 . 2/14/2005
I've been re-readin' your fics Striker, and I still really think that on Rebirth, you should have it be a love triangle between Rayen, Dawn, and Kyra. Maybe Dawn would think of it when she starts to think back to when she first met Rayen, when Phil basically threw her onto him into that suggestive position._
Mori Lasse chapter 79 . 2/10/2005
This story is awesome
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