Reviews for Dark Embrace
Isdrin The Wanderer chapter 1 . 2/17
How sorrowful. This story has had me at the edge of my figurative seat the entire ride through. I enjoyed seeing your, the writer’s, writing style grow and mature into a more complex and fleshed version than it had been. It truly astounds me.

It is my fervent wish that you return to this site and finish this mighty piece of work. Take my hope that you will escape from the rough times that have fallen upon you, and someday may you be able to indulge yourself in the luxury that is the internet.

Regards and wishes,

Isdrin the Wanderer
NekoDaemonQueenZelda chapter 1 . 12/30/2019
Aaah at this point guys we oughta just assume we aint getting a new chapter. It's been 5 frikkin years and 2 or so years is usually the cutoff point for shit like that. Sorry to say that 2015 was the last time the author was active on FF and its practically 2020 already. Damn shame cuz this story was fucking PHENOMENAL but it's dead guys. We may as well stop putting stoppers in the cracks of our personal dams cuz it'll only end in a river of tears.
Junipurr7NotAKhajit chapter 61 . 7/29/2019
How do I get permission to continue where the writer left off? This is far too good a story to let die, much like Elvi at the beginning, this story deserves a rebirth through undeath. Que the necromancy jokes.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3/2019
Such an amazing story, its such a shame for it to go to waste :(
Maybe someone should consider making a fanmade ending? Ive been coming back to this story for two years seriously considering it , thoughts?
Guest chapter 1 . 4/28/2019
First time reading. I see that Fable Quote there well done.
jaeos0223 chapter 61 . 4/19/2019
I can't tell when you last updated this story. Please finish this. I have literally spent the last week reading this and now i am nearly banging my head on my keyboard finding out this was the last chapter written. Did you also know there is a follower on nexus based on Elvi?
LongSurnamer chapter 61 . 3/14/2019
I’ve spent the last few days reading this whole fic, after stumbling onto it coincidently.

And I was hooked after the first chapter. This is the most incredibly well written fic I have ever read. I aspire for my work to be as good as this. The characters are all unique and perfect in their own ways, and you really do develop favourites as the fic goes on. Elvi is a very interesting character, with solid development throughout. Your take on Harkon is outstanding, and makes me want to do a playthough of Skyrim and join the Volkihar, even though the in-game Harkon is so much different to later on in this fic Harkon.

The newer characters, like Caine and Alkir, are a fresh input to this fic but still don’t outshine any older characters.

I have found myself truly engaging with this fic, hating some characters because of their intentions but loving them as they are written so well, cheering others on in my head, the like.

I know you’ve stopped writing now, but I hope one day you read these reviews just to know how much I have enjoyed this fic. You are an incredibly talented individual. My one criticism is the paragraphs in the story are rather long, and makes it easier to skim-read and miss some of the incredible attention to detail and characterisation.

Definitely going in my favs. 10/10.
Dextroscity chapter 61 . 1/28/2019
Took a few weeks to read this but this was honestly an amazing story so far! Like you're really good at writing! Even if you've given up on this story I'd be interested in reading your other works if you've made any!
TizriScarletMinaWaggins chapter 1 . 1/3/2019
I heard that the author gave up writing and stuff... which is a shame since i absolutely adore this work of art. I wonder if anyone knows how to see if they are ok, or would let someone continue this for them. it really is a shame for such a lovely story to die.
ZanTai chapter 46 . 12/16/2018
I never understood Elvi's conflict here, there is a daughter of coldhaurbour gaurding the scroll that you need to find the bow anyways, and she hates Valerica anyway, so ... anyway I miss this story and would love to see it continued.
Swandaje chapter 61 . 12/6/2018
I think Elvi should stay faithful...I personally know what its like to be betrayed like that and it hurts more than words
Fallen angel Lucifer20 chapter 61 . 12/3/2018
When are u going to write the next chapter ?
AshMountian216 chapter 61 . 10/18/2018
I absolutely love your writing for Sanguine. You capture his personality very well with all he hidden tricks and meanings, but you also have a piece of sincerity that somehow fits in. Hope to see more chapters in the future:)
AshMountian216 chapter 60 . 10/17/2018
Boi I was bouncing in my chair reading the part with Max getting slapped by Alrik. I really like the power you gave him. Caine definitely is my favorite now too with Darius. Evander finally getting a few more pegs knocked down. And Farkas got bit!? Yo cant wait to read more about that.
AshMountian216 chapter 59 . 10/16/2018
Omg a party with Sanguine. That could go a whole bunch of different ways XD I bet he waslnt to see what Darius and Elvi will do while drunk. If the abandon house wasn't enough this shall definitely be entertaining enough.
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