Reviews for Anne Weston's True Blood: Sunlight and Ambrosia
lydo99 chapter 46 . 9/25/2018
Please update
bex107 chapter 1 . 2/9/2018
love love love this story! so sad you finished it there! will be saving in the hope that you will come back to it eventually!
Storythriver123 chapter 46 . 8/22/2017
You should do an epilogue if you aren't going to finish this. I love this story so much!;
Guest chapter 46 . 6/15/2016
I'm so sad that this story ends here, and you haven't updated it in years : ( It's a really good story.
Guest chapter 10 . 3/19/2016
I am starting deslike Anne. She demands answers from everyone, but doesn't give none. The only one that she did was for Sookie, and it has taked a while. I don't think its fair. Her character is becoming a little bit of a Mary-Sue, i mean, i doubt ANYONE could be hold agaist a wall for a vampire and not fear, it doesn't matter if the said person is not afraid of death, even a suicidal would be scare out of their minds in a situation like this.
Guest chapter 46 . 9/3/2015
I love this story so much I hope you update soon kk
Iris RainbowWolf chapter 46 . 6/4/2015
Okay so I know you haven't update in like a year, but I absolutely love this story and I'm saving it in the hopes that you will update soon.
Paramorefreak100 chapter 46 . 7/30/2014
Omg I love it
season 4 Eric was awesome !
Aceofthefool13 chapter 46 . 7/14/2014
love it hope you continue this story
amrawo chapter 46 . 6/21/2014
Great chapter! Update soon!
Guest chapter 46 . 3/23/2014
it has been a WHOLE month(sort of). I loved the drunk Eric part!
chasing yesterday always chapter 1 . 3/22/2014
Love this!
sPaRkzZz chapter 46 . 3/15/2014

Great story. I loved this scene. It was my favourite of all the series. I absolutely adored a drunk Eric and I loved when Sookie said " you drank the whole damn fairy." Lol. This story is amazing. I hope all the Fae stuff gets sorted out with Anne soon. I also can't wait to find out more about her brother.

I hope Debbie and the new girlfriend aren't crazy biatches that are going to try to kill Sookie or Anne.

Anyways good luck
I love this story thanks for writing and sharing
RoaringLion51 chapter 46 . 3/10/2014
Oh my god, he's so cute! lol but i still want him back to his normal self. usually i didn't read a story with oc, but yours makes me think its not bad at all, i love it. Anne Weston is my first favorite oc ever, and i'll wait patiently for your next chapter, see you!
creativewonderland.lelani chapter 46 . 3/8/2014
I love your fanfiction so much, can't wait for more (:
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