Reviews for Scars That Don't Show
Guest chapter 1 . 8/29
If he knows all this, why doesn't he go to the hospital to be healed?
Guest chapter 6 . 7/13
Can't help thinking poppy failed harry by not healing him immediately in diagon alley when he told her she'd done these scans many times before, and if she couldn't heal him then she should have taken him to st mungo's. If he'd been fully healed he might not have been so badly injured by his fall on the train. There was a story there anyway but poppy handed everything badly.
Guest chapter 2 . 7/13
I see hermione is being her obnoxious self in this story - "you owe me an explanation'. Who does she think she is? She's a verbal bully to harry and i just detest her when she acts like this, browbeating harry.
Traveler301 chapter 6 . 4/17
Don't take this wrong, but that is what I call a Micheal (I hope I spell his last name correctly), Crichton type ending to your story, where everybody dies or everybody lives a long happy life and all the baddies
die, people or animals. Good story, just a little bit anti-climatic at the end. certainly not going to stop me from reading more of your stories.
Ron Pate
Traveler301 chapter 4 . 4/17
OK! I know that I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but, What just happened? Did Harry have a heart attack? Was he Kissed by the dementor? Did he have a brain concussion because of falling out of his seat. Remus seems to be out of character here. He hasn't been around Harry at all for over ten years and for him to be telling Harry that he is uncle Mooney makes for a lot of confusion as far as I can see.
Good chapter though.
Ron Pate
Traveler301 chapter 3 . 4/17
I don't understand why you are worried about the title of this story. I think it's a good title.
This is so far a very interesting story, and you're laying the ground work just about anything that want to happen will fit in the story.
Ron Pate
Traveler301 chapter 2 . 4/17
I still think Ron and Hermione are bad for Harry. they are bad for Harry as friends, best mates or what ever you want to call them. They are both downers. Ron, too lazy and stupid, with a jealousy streak that screams, do not ask me any questions, I'm stupid. He needs to wear one of Bill Engvall's signs, and Hermione is just too over bearing and pushy. Always has to be first and always has to be right. In other words, she is a pain in the old keaster.
Ron Pate
Traveler301 chapter 1 . 4/17
I was right! I can tell this is gonna be a good one too. In case you're wondering what I mean, I just read Poppy Evans, and in the review I told you that I was going to look at your authors page, and BLAM! here I am! I did not know that you had written all these stories. Kind of makes me feel just a touch stupid so, that said, Great first chapter. Harry is making Madame Pomfrey aware of Dumblebutts oblivations of her in the passed, cause whether she remembers it or not, Harry does remember the fact that has said the same thing before. So, of course, she doesn't remember it , thanks to Dumblebutt.
I wonder, will she talk to Minerva before you know who ( he should really shorten his names). This looks like fun!
Ron Pate
Latarra chapter 6 . 1/25/2019
I like the story, the epilogue most.
ak chapter 6 . 10/15/2017
bonne fic!
kase519 chapter 6 . 10/26/2015
I really like the ending of Voldemort here. Just nice and quiet.
Guest chapter 6 . 10/3/2015
I like the last chapter quite a bit. The cause and effect thing was neat and your ideas in it original to some extent. Clc
God of the Challenge chapter 1 . 9/17/2015
What're those!
missgsmith51 chapter 6 . 5/4/2015
Yeayyy! And this is how it should have been from the very beginning, the night James and Lily were killed. Was Dumbledore ever charged for all of his little stunts? He was obviously complicit in Harry's abuse by keeping him with the Dursleys despite the evidence. Surely changing Harry's looks without his permission must have been illegal, as well. Did he do that to help ensure Snape's hostility was stoked on a daily basis?

I'm surprised Harry took Lupin's surname, given that Sirius Black was his godfather. Perhaps they figured that would be too obvious a change and it would be too easy for DumDum to find them. I'm also a bit surprised they didn't move to Australia, Canada, or the U.S., simply based on the language issue.

I'm curious ... Whatever happened with Voldemort? Was he still resurrected, given the collapse of the tournament and Barty, Jr, being nabbed? I mean, there was also no Pettigrew there to help, either. If it did happen, did Harry defeat him, or did someone else step up and finish him? Hey, enquiring minds want to know! ;)

Good story.
missgsmith51 chapter 4 . 5/4/2015
Harry's poor vision and headaches have always bothered me. He told Poppy back at the Leaky Cauldron that Petunia had missed when she swung the frying pan at him. I've always thought that she did hit him (Fanfic contamination? I'm not sure now) and wondered if that hit is what caused his vision problems as well as some of his non-Voldy-related headaches. Dumbledore could very well have shown up and done a "quick and dirty" patch-up job and then memory-charmed Harry to remember the incident differently.

How, exactly, does Remus plan to get Harry away from the Dursleys? Dumbledore will NEVER allow that. Or is Poppy going to try and help him using her new information?
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