Reviews for Tales of Free Falling
eclipse2012 chapter 2 . 12/12/2015
I loved this way too much. I've got this stupid-as-hell grin on my face now. So thank you. You've done your job.

I'm serious though. I genuinely enjoyed this. Other than a few grammar errors I may or may not have seen (I seriously don't know because again, I enjoyed this way too much) this story's practically flawless. You really got into the heads of each character and it was amazing. Keep up the awesome work!
greenleaf55 chapter 2 . 8/23/2015
Wish I could favorite this, but since I don't have an account, I'll settle for a review.
Loved the story, it was dramatic, descriptive, deep and decent ( as in being morally clean of corruption).
Hope you get lots of favorites for this one.
LittleWhiteTie chapter 2 . 12/19/2013
OT3 3
You write so well, and the relationship between Yuri/Estelle/Flynn is just perfect. Great job!
raynbowstarr chapter 2 . 11/30/2013
I LOVE your guys' work so much! Please, Please, Please write m ore of these!