Reviews for Emails and Strangers
PanicAtTheCostco chapter 17 . 4/23
Oh gosh I love hurt!Chandler and protective!Monica too and you write it so well! It's 5 am and I can't stop reading this is so good
Guest chapter 30 . 11/16/2019
Such a good story, I loved it!
Guest chapter 30 . 6/28/2019
loved it! it was so good, please do more for this community! we need more mondler stories. this was really original and i loved how it was written, it made me laugh out loud quite a lot! 10/10
Oldreruns chapter 30 . 6/14/2019
What an incredible undertaking. This is something you should be proud of and proud of finishing. You really dove in deep and covered a lot of ground. It was a nice set-up and great payoff to have it all take place in Season 4.
Mondler2017 chapter 30 . 2/21/2019
This is such an underrated fanfic. I honestly dont know where to begin... *You left me speechless*...
First of all, this is amazing. Best story ever! You've captured everything perfectly from the details, to the emails... I actually felt that I was there. Its incredible! Chandler and Monica are sooo cute! The meeting was my fav part! And god was that kiss...
I srs enjoyed reading every chappie, you made my day. You blessed us all with this arttttt. This masterpiece. Your very creative. I've never seen a Friends story like this before. Great job! Thank you so much for sharing. Luv u!
AliaPace-Percabeth chapter 1 . 2/14/2019
Great start
CM Fan chapter 30 . 2/13/2019
That was one fantastic and amazing story even the chapters were aptly named. It should win story of the year, it was so good. Love all the the description of their thoughts and their conversations. Just super excellent writing. I hope you can write more Mondler stories. I just love your writing.
You have a great way writing about Chandler and Monica that is very interesting, and I hope to see more maybe long one shots or just another chapter story
CamilleCM chapter 30 . 1/6/2019
Thank you for finishing the story! Loved the closure, the talk they had and the canon convergence at the end.
Great story that also provided such a great character insight into each of them. I'll definitely re read this!
Always amy chapter 30 . 1/4/2019
Thank you for sharing this and for finishing even after all this time
It's been awhile but there are still people who love this
Thank you for sharing your time and your words
Thexa chapter 30 . 1/1/2019
Thank you for this whole story I totally enjoyed reading. It's now one of my favorites Mondler fanfic. You've done a great job :)
Thexa chapter 29 . 1/1/2019
Amazing chapter ! It's so well written, it was like I was watching all this happening on TV. Congratulations !
Mondler2014 chapter 30 . 12/31/2018
Happy New Year! (Sorry for the typo)
Mondler2014 chapter 30 . 12/31/2018
I'm so glad you managed to come back to finish one of my favorite Mondler stories of all times, thank you so much for giving a propor closure to it. The way Chandler and Monica were written here is totally in character and that is the reason, I believe, for this fic being so reliable and enjoyable. Thank you for not giving up, all the best in you new projects. Happy New Tear!
Babatomyfriends chapter 30 . 12/31/2018
Aw, you gave them London after all! That makes it even more perfect! Thank you for writing such a wonderful story. I don't care how long it took - so many stories here are still left unfinished and you spared us that at least by finally finishing it, and in such a great way too.
All the best wishes for 2019!
GravityOddity chapter 30 . 12/30/2018
So adorable! Im so glad you finished this, the epilogue was a great way to conclude it :)
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