Reviews for Chasing a Dream
dianalillian chapter 1 . 2/12/2017
Kawaii. Madara and Mito's interactions are just so cute. I also like the way you portray Madara as capable of jesting. I hope you continue this story :))
mrsbelacqua chapter 1 . 2/27/2014
This is really cute! Please continue :)
narutosuck chapter 1 . 8/5/2013
I left my house and got the car to go to the party with enough time, would even something soon, probably not the same Pain would be ready. I smiled remembering my friend, he had become Konan boyfriend since high school and unlike me was never stupid enough to let go of the person he loved. To date still together and according to the latest planned to propose to her soon. I wondered how they would have changed the Senju brothers, if Tobirama still had that crazy hairstyle and red marks on the face, if Hashirama was still the nerd with shoulder length brown hair and if Zetsu would be equally or more beautiful than at that time, probably following the example of his brothers and he too would have a crazy hair, smiled at the thought, and off he always would damn adorable and beautiful. I also remembered my other colleagues, I wondered if Sasori and Deidara would still together and in love as when I stopped watching, if Kisame had grown even more (If that was the case, it certainly would be afraid), if Hidan had ceased to be a maniac Religious and if continue with Kakuzu, he probably would with his love of money and finally Orochimaru, who knows if follow with that little boy named Kabuto and if there was no longer a pedophile, which I doubt because the child would just about seventeen. As for my relatives not worth mentioning, I have seen them often and I assure you are well, Itachi is single, Sasuke has a boyfriend, I think it is called Naruto and Obito will be doing God-knows-what with your company .

Finally I got to the party, station é my car outside the house and headed out the door to play, as I suspected, not Pain was ready.

- I'm coming! My friend shouted at me from inside, smiled imagined running ándolo haste.

-That what you get for not hurry-I from outside without removing my smile.

After that my friend Ichigo opened the door with angry expression.

-It's your fault, not expecting anyone so early, I said, I laughed a little as I got into the house, it was big, not so much like mine but still had merit.

-Pain, I'm done with the hall Can you handle the kitchen? Asked a female voice, was Konan, who as soon as I saw his expression change carefree by an annoying, I did not pay much attention and watched, now his body was more developed and his face was as feminine but more mature expression, not yet appeared not forgive me for what Zetsu.

-Hey Konan, time no see-I tried to sound cheerful but certainly if looks could kill I would already be fully struck on the ground.

-Don't expect, go to the room, there will be party-Konan said indifferently and coldly.

I nodded slightly and did as I said, I was not letting me send or intimidated by others, but now he needed all the support from me if I wanted to implement my plan to win back Zetsu and obtain their forgiveness.

Pain and Konan finished up and clean the house and the guests began to arrive , my heart beat strongly, at any time could get my angel.

As they all went on their way to greet me, Pain and Konan, certainly everyone was so changed, some hardly the word I drove in high school but we still greet each other. Almost immediately saw Kisame enter followed by a white-haired guy who looked a bit like him.

More came and I saw Deidara enter alone, which I found strange because I thought I would come with Sasori, his hair was longer now but almost nothing had changed. After Hidan and Kakuzu appeared, both came together but appeared not to have anything to do, which was obviously wrong for everyone else. Gradually the house that at first I thought was completely full huge by all alumni, former groups met to discuss their lives today and some other incredibly spoke with never had done during college . But I turned with disappointment to the door, the Senju had not yet entered, almost thought they were not going to go but a minute later Hashirama and Tobirama were out the door, I smiled at the thought that Zetsu come behind them, but it was not .

Both Senju to me greeted me clear that without much encouragement, for they either forgave me what he had done to Zetsu, great, like I need to feel more guilt. Hashirama was no longer the same, now her features were stronger and hair reaching to the middle of her back and Tobirama ... it was exactly the same.

I stayed a while talking to Deidara and Kisame over our lives and wondering about the past, I learned that the younger brother of Kisame, Suigetsu (who is the boy who had come to him), fell in love with a girl named Emi who was total chaos, so my friend was not too happy blue. And I knew I was done with Sasori Deidara to and a few months, because the redhead and did not pay much attention and had become more distant and cold than before. I honestly do not know how it is at that point yet listened to their chatter, was tired and cranky, Zetsu had not appeared for the party and I had a very bad, as it would assist Pain, but then I thought, What if it had known that I was coming and want to avoid me? The anxiety came over me again. However, it was not long until the door opened to let someone, my heart raced and I gasped. Entering through the door was my sweet angel green hair, still had that beautiful smile that had captivated me young, I noticed that was wrong, his hair was still the same and his eyes still glowed with life. He went totally unaware that I was there and ran towards Konan and Pain, both greeted him with joy and melted into a hug of three. I could not stop looking at it, I felt I was giving a tachycardia at any time, for that matter had not noticed that Sasori had entered behind him, it was not until Zetsu Pinocchio approached and hugged him from behind me realized. I felt my body burning and clenched my fists tightly as he watched with hate my now ex-friend redhead was not the dwarf who would not let him board games for adults, now even surpassed its height by a little at Zetsu. Stealthily I approached the three preventing noticed my presence to achieve overhear their conversation. From what I hear Pain was also surprised to see together my Zetsu and Sasori, however, Konan seemed to know everything.

-Go Zetsu, Sasori did not expect to see you with confused Pain said, note that I was beaten.

-Yes, I regret not telling you anything, just told Konan was secret because even answered my Zuzu a Pain who saw Konan looking sideways with some anger, with good reason, he had hidden something important about Zetsu.

-Do not look at me like Zetsu asked me not to tell anyone Konan said in his defense.

-Sorry hide all Pain, is I was not ready Zetsu said But why was not ready?

- And what is it for what you're not ready? -Pain read my mind.

-Well ...-my angel smiled and turned to look at Sasori who smiled back-That Sasori and I got engaged and in a month we're getting married, 'said beaming.

And that was enough to feel like my heart was breaking.