Reviews for Oblivious
iisuita chapter 1 . 3/8/2016
this was beautiful all your works turn out splendid
Nephra chapter 1 . 8/23/2015
Agh, this killed me, it was so well written and... and I just died, it was so sad and also so comforting in a way.
Melmel Phase chapter 1 . 2/8/2014
Whoa! Neji and Shika? Plot twist anyone? ;P But I seriously cried when Neji died. That shouldn't be a thing...totally unfair... Anyway, I liked this. You gave Lee credit! Not everyone does, as you said, which makes me a bit mad but I get over it eventually. I love Lee, he's so great. I like sqinting to see other couples. The last line was a good indication for Maru-chan ((notice how I have 10 billion names for him)) and Lee. Very nice job hun. I really enjoyed it. Also, Neji moaning Shikamaru's name in his sleep? PERFECT addition. XD I laughed and died from happiness.
Lazy Gaga chapter 1 . 10/6/2013
Oh man, this was sad. Really sad. Fantastically written, though! Great job on that!
valen chapter 1 . 9/26/2013
What in the world happened to friendship? Now it's all about love
Ferris Ulf chapter 1 . 9/15/2013
What a beautifully written one-shot. I like how it wasn't all spelled out from the very beginning as some people (most people) on this site tend to write it. All of them were in-character and believable.

The parts of the death scene were done very well. I was surprised when it was revealed they weren't in the final battle (as in the manga) for this scene, yet you mirrored so many parts of the manga scene perfectly. Sewed in enough of it that it followed it beautifully while making it your own.

I didn't have to squint or tilt my head, but I did catch that little ShikaLee. Personally, I wasn't really buying that at first. Then I considered three years had passed since the initial shock of it all. I guess I'd never considered Lee/Shika and there wasn't enough interaction shown between the two for me to decide how I felt about it; which was kinda the point, as this fic wasn't meant to be a romance between the two of them. Just keeps that as an open possibility. Thank you for writing it that way and not deciding: "Hey, let's have them have a heartfelt conversation and realize they're soul mates!"

*holds up mug of hot cocoa* Cheers.
jj chapter 1 . 8/21/2013
itanejiluver chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
This was a really neat oneshot! Any time I read anything about Neij's death, I always cry, but yeah...I liked your new perspective from Lee and Shikamaru's point of view on Neji's death. Very interesting...I also liked the ShikaLee, its definitely not a very common pairing, but this oneshot definitely made it work. Very intriguing work over all...nicely done! :) chapter 1 . 8/8/2013
I love this.