Reviews for Halkegenia Online v2
Story Weaver1 chapter 58 . 8/9/2019
What's up with the Jotenheim thing? I understand Skuld's time-travel-tense-trouble, which was interesting and evocative once I figured out what was going on. However, the whole section appears to be a battle with frost giants, and little connection to Midgard.

Good to see that Julio recognizes that he screwed up big. Indeed, he might wish that Karin killed him in that cavern.

Louise's current state is both pitiful and interesting. It appears that she is hearing voices from the echo's of players, or is it the other MHCP from Cardinal? It also appears that ghost memories from the players are intruding on her consciousness. Truly, not a condition to envy. Although, that heads-up display could come in handy if she musters the resolve to act on it.

On the volume as a whole, I agree with you. It is kind of messier than the previous volume but it has plenty of connecting ties to its arcs.
Story Weaver1 chapter 57 . 8/8/2019
Argo is recruiting secret agents. That's an interesting idea. Upgraded from info broker to spy master under the aegis of Alicia, who has already dispatched her own black ops. These are both interesting developments. I look forward to Tristian's counterattack.

Shiori's..."condition" is fascinating. It makes me wonder how he/she's handling the sensory feedback. Is it a programed thing like other parts of the transition or something she worked out on her own.
Story Weaver1 chapter 56 . 8/8/2019
So Bardiche finally enters the main (present) story and it is a Meet Cute with Yui too, although it sounds painful as well. It's nice to see his personality filling out beyond her love interest.

World building! A minor mob that is a common pest. It leads into self-defense for civilians, why they would take it/why it is important, the small amount of money involved which links up to pocket change for kids who then get stronger for when they are adults. All based in a pair of enterprising Fae. It is fantastic.

When I saw Morgiama was in the hospital for a check-up, I thought the reveal would come quickly but you took your time to make a logical connection and add more world building and character development as well. Marriage alliance between Salamander military and Spriggan mercenaries incoming?

An all-over great chapter.
Story Weaver1 chapter 55 . 8/5/2019
Wow, this is such a warm, soft and cute chapter.

Kino's gentle wake-up leading into all that bizzaro-Caramella was both funny and cute in a sibling fashion. It sounds as though something made her very happy; perhaps an outing with Agnes?

Yui is absolutely darling here. Grounded for life and yet trying to wriggle out of it and that childish delight at going to the library; cute and nostalgic.

I happened to read this shortly after watching a particular Alicization episode so it was nice to see
"Bishop" in a less stressful role.

Also, the pseudo-Where Are They Now Epilogue is much appreciated. Netzel's cameo was a smooth way to present this information. It seems Ryo never learned his lesson, ha.

Even the cliffhanger is childishly cute and innocent.
Story Weaver1 chapter 54 . 7/31/2019
How the mighty have fallen; I suspected he was involved but now the mastermind. Digby being Shirishi's opponent was another nice little reveal.

Ephi's self-hatred was well crafted here, as was his smug-super complex. He has a rather complex view of things, and over-estimates himself in my opinion.

An interesting sequel hook.
Story Weaver1 chapter 53 . 7/29/2019
I believe the phrase "justice porn" qualifies here. The way you built up the overview of the Conspirator Hunt and then released it for the capture is really something. It's like a non-fantastical world-healing-wave.
Final line is excellent. A smooth transition and then implication.
Story Weaver1 chapter 52 . 7/26/2019
A cute scene; major feels from the Kirigaya family. Yui is a center for emotional content in both scenes present, and all three parents. A nice set up for a foil.

A decomposite character from Kayaba Akihiko and Heathcliff is interesting, as is the former's state of existence and motivation.
Story Weaver1 chapter 51 . 7/23/2019
The scene with Yui and Kirito was amazing. Raw and tender vulnerable; Yui's condition and tearful confession while Kirito tries to both comfort her and find out what's wrong. Framing this in Karin's POV, after she had just watched her own daughter spirited away, was a great move.

I don't know much about ZnT lore beyond the basics (i.e. the anime) so I can't say much about Julio's portion, other than I found it interesting. Oh, and the part about the Fae being human. That was poignant and powerful.

I want to see Heathcliff and Kayaba meet so they talk to each other/himself.
ZhaWarudo chapter 35 . 7/14/2019
I understand a weak mind of Rip Jack refusing to accept reality and becoming delusional, also Sigurd's megalomanical vengance but Ephi?
That's some bs because even if they found the way home, no one would force them.
ZhaWarudo chapter 30 . 7/14/2019
Flour overused, everytime I read a novel or a fanfic, at the first mention of we go again.
ZhaWarudo chapter 19 . 7/13/2019
What kind of weak passive reply by Alicia is that? She should've burned Rio bad and shown him as a moron publically, simply explaining that Reconquista are like Nazi's, Tristain's as French and Faeries as Jews in that situation so they had to fight.
babiloniaolimpo chapter 2 . 7/1/2019
Ahora que lo pienso que pasó con la espada parlante, sigue en esa tienda?
Story Weaver1 chapter 50 . 6/28/2019
A kaiju fight is great. However, I'm afraid I lost track of what was happening more than a few times.
Story Weaver1 chapter 49 . 6/24/2019
Oh! So THAT is the "black snow princess". It is a fitting title. An amazing build up and an equally amazing payoff. Building up the moment with Yui while also writing that fascinating mindset of hers and then this awesome battle scene with Karin all for this Big Damn Hero.

Really, Yui's Fairy-A.I mindset and such is excellent. I always enjoy reading it. Painting the medium like you do is engaging writing.
Story Weaver1 chapter 48 . 6/7/2019
Wow, isn't that unsettling. I'm not sure which view is scarier: that of the reader who understands what this system guardians is saying and thus how dangerous this situation truly is or that of Louise, who does not and only experiences alien gibberish from what appears to be a magical monster.

Memories from real life contained within the game's memory log, and it appears to be overriding Louise's own mind.

I wonder who Naomi is. I have a terrible feeling that I know who Momoko represents.

She just absorbed the Word Seed, didn't she?
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