Reviews for Together We Fall Into Our Grave
Tori of Lorien chapter 1 . 6/12/2016
So, I had no idea that you wrote this Thor story!

Oh, man, that was depressing. You had to kill them both, lol. Even though it wasn't overly detailed, I didn't feel like it needed to be. It certainly hit right in the feels.

Thanks for posting!

(So, I'm sorry that it's been so long since we've talked! I think it was when I finished my LOTR "Tainted" story... I hope all is well with you, though!)

SailorLokiSilver chapter 1 . 5/7/2016
Yay! Ok I love Thor and Loki both, bit yay for a Thor execution! Love angst! I just think he was hung and listened to The Hanging Tree.
fullsignal chapter 1 . 6/28/2015
Wow but good :)
jarjarjinx chapter 1 . 12/18/2013
arghhh my feels. that was wonderfully written angst!
musicalgirl4474 chapter 1 . 11/23/2013
OMG! That was so sad... beautifully written, but so SAD!
star that shines on angels win chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
o.o there laws are terrible...
killing someone for killing another person by mistake, not only that being the son of the king, they would not have executed him, more likely they would want to find a way to cover it up... if it were real... but it's not so i tip my hatt you madame and this was the saddest fanfic i evah read so i thank thee ;D
Zephyr169 chapter 1 . 8/30/2013
That was SOOOOOOOO sad! Yet oddly amazing. :) poor Loki, and Thor! (mostly Loki:)
xaandiir chapter 1 . 8/24/2013
So I just recently FINALLY saw Thor and like most viewers I fell in love with Loki and I'd gone on the hunt for a brotherly love story like this with tragedy. That being said, I wanted to say...


Write more, more, more. I beg of you. I crave more. I love tragedy and you stayed so amazingly in character, it's just astounding. Amazing work, truly!
alwaysimagined chapter 1 . 8/24/2013
I loved this! I especially love the part 'Odin never used the title All-Father again'. I've always thought that should be part of the canon.
KJ4aNightmare chapter 1 . 8/19/2013
And tragedy you have done well! Heartbreaking...sad...(and truly thankful that this was not canon) if this is the reaction you were looking for, you got it. ;-)
It was a nice change to see that you made Odin a decent person (as he is no longer a father...) after I've read so many that have made him a "monster" to Loki.

I also have to admit that I read your story because I've seen some of your well written reviews and figure that your writing must be as good, and I was right. I apparently enjoy angst although I don't really put as much of it in mine. (Maybe that's why they aren't doing
And for the record, I also enjoy angrbodagiantess and Lady Charity's stories as you're right - they are truly inspiring.
jaquelinelittle chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
A parenting again, sending Loki out to an activity he probably hates and Thor loves, to make them reconcile. With too little protetction, and, most importantly, no healing stone.

Fitting end, that Odin realizes the Allfather title is not appropriate.

I appreciate your A/N. Possible laws about young offenders, wergild or jury trial vs absolute monarchy aside, Odin is a lousy politician if he can't talk his concilmen around to spare his sole heir. Besides, I don't think what Thor did should count as murder. Manslaughter at the most; maybe only bodily harm with fatal consequences. Okay, the Vikings did not distinguish between those, but then, they allowed for wergild and banishment instead of execution.
Snowpearl201017 chapter 1 . 8/14/2013
Simply tragic. Feel slightly bad for both Loki and Thor. My inner writer is intrigued. Very well done my friend.