Reviews for The Next Life
ToriBlackwood chapter 10 . 12/8/2018
This was a very good story!
The little ones are so cute!
Is a shame that is no capter to Kaze and his relation with Ven and Aqua and how they are getting along (I supose that Kaze and Terra doesn't get along[?])
I hope I could read some more of your work
PD: I'm sorry for my bad english
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 10 . 4/23/2017
Ok, this is quite the fun new mix:-)
Spiritedsummer chapter 1 . 3/4/2017
Oh my goodness. Hmmm, this is so adorable. ;-;
I loved your idea for this trio.
Please, keep it up!
NatNicole chapter 1 . 9/17/2016
Haha, this is freakin' BRILLIANT! *grins*
FlightfootKeyseeker chapter 2 . 6/11/2015
Namine's memories seem weirdly clear. Is it because of her memory powers?
Koko chapter 8 . 12/24/2014
I love this so much! It makes me happy.

'Which is something I really, really, really hope you'll grow out of eventually.' I don't know why, but I love the way Dawn's wildly fluctuating emotions and Riku's more stoic personality mix together.

'At last, Naminé fell back on her secret weapon and burst into tears.' Lol.

Yay, Kaze and Dawn make awesome friends.

"It wasn't brainwashing, we were just talking...!" Dawn, why would you do that?

'In my headcanon, Riku's gotten over his resentment about Crescent hair by now and has let his grow almost as long as his dad's.' That mental image made me laugh.

Merry Christmas! I hope you have a good one!
Koko chapter 7 . 4/21/2014
'More news, more experiments, more secret missions.' What kind of secret missions were they doing during this time?

Ienzo is about 13 when he's speaking to Ansem the Wise?

'Ienzo had been rigid with shock at the unexpected gesture, but now he sagged in relief and freed remorse, hugging Ansem tightly and weeping together with him. ' I want to see this in KH3, except it'll be different since Ienzo is now an adult in canon.
riskypeony chapter 3 . 4/20/2014
These are all EXTREMELY adorable and I sorta wanna sleep now so this is as far as I got BUT I WILL READ MORE OF THESE LATER (hopefully). Kaze (can't do the "e'" because of my dumb tablet) and (especially) Lea/Roxas/Xion were my favorites, more so the latter due to my current obsession with the adorable Xion and Roxas and because toddlers are just too darn adorable. Basically, the entire story/idea is adorable and you should be commended on your ability to deliver it so adequately/amazingly/I'mreallybadatwritingsorry.
I've only written this much because I just noticed your bio stating that you loathe empty favorites and plain reviews. I apologize for this review's lack of appropriate sentence structure but I plan to make more reviews so you have less empty faves.
This entire review is a mess I am so sorry
Koko chapter 6 . 1/17/2014
'His encounter with Sephiroth had left him in great awe, and just enough fear for Riku to be able to use the ultimate SOLDIER as a threat.' That must have been interesting.

'"Whoooaaa! How'd you do that?!" Lea marveled./"You just watched me do it..."/"How did you know to do that?!"/Riku wasn't sure how to respond, since it was something he felt like he'd been born knowing.' I didn't know you could do that. That's pretty cool. So Riku knows stuff about hair care instinctively?

''...Why couldn't Xion have been my replica instead of Sora's?' Riku thought wistfully.' Sorry, Riku, but I'm not sure you could handle taking care of a girl.

'How does Lea do it?!' He has the magic touch.
Koko chapter 5 . 1/17/2014
"I- I really want to watch The Little Mermaid" Never thought I'd see Riku say that.

"What? He won't mind, and the bed's more comfortable than the floor, anyway."/"No! I hate beds!" Dawn's really cute, but I can see why Riku's annoyed.

"Heh, you sound kind of like a fussy mom."/"I'm not his mom, I'm his brother!" You're both because being the primary caretaker automatically makes you the mom :)

"I was better than Dawn."/"Uh...well, I'm glad you were good, Kazé." Lol

"Dawn hasn't even MET my family, he doesn't have any reason to be as freaking obsessed with his stupid hair as they are!" Oooh, it's genetic.

'The last thing he wanted was for Sapphique to greet him by taking both his hands in hers and saying apprehensively, "Riku, sweetheart, take a few deep, long breaths."' Oh dear.

'Naminé got bored and started drawing pictures of the 100 Acre Wood. Dawn had already sneaked away and was now searching the pantry for junk food./"HAH! Rainbow Puffs!"' Lol
Koko chapter 4 . 1/17/2014
This was a pretty cool chapter. Riku's family is so dysfunctional, but they fit together really well. I laughed because the Remnants are really funny and I was in awe that Riku could fight his whole family and not die in the first instant.

'"WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?!"/Riku did a double-take - it was so rare for Yazoo to lose his composure at all, but he now looked almost hysterical with horror as he stared at Riku's shorn head.' LOL

'"No! No! You're the youngest, weakest one, you're the little brother, you're not supposed to have-! You're not allowed-!"' LOL

'For an instant, their eyes met - Riku with his blood roaring in the heat of battle, Sephiroth impassive, choosing his moment. 'I'm dead,' Riku thought.' Yep, because Sephiroth is scary.

"Why did you cut your hair," Yazoo lamented softly, "it looks used to be so cut it when you came back, and now you've murdered it...I hate you..." You're so weird, Yazoo.

'He could practically even hear his father's thoughts, connected as the two of them were by shared otherworldly cells. "It seems your destiny lies on a different path than the one we chose for you. Get stronger. Do not fail and shame who we are."' That's pretty cool.

'"I hate you! Come BACK!"'"I changed my mind! I don't care how ugly your hair is! I don't care!"' I am both laughing and kind of sad because they do love Riku in their weird/messed up way.
yavin4 chapter 6 . 1/16/2014
AWWWWW! I love it! While you may think you failed since it's not completely Riku/Xion, I don't. Riku is stressed and it comes across great. Poor Riku. The kids are well done and perfectly braty/cute/almost bi-polar and wonderfully childreny. (The pancakes!) Riku should be jealous of Axel/Lea. Everything he does, he does great. (or at least with enough BS to make him look great ;) And wouldn't it be odd if Riku did start a hair salon to make munny.
Faliara chapter 6 . 1/15/2014
When I read that at first, I thought it meant that you shipped it. WOOOO
The Layman chapter 4 . 1/15/2014
Ya know, it took me a second to realize that Riku's brothers were those shmucks from Advent Children. Never could tell them apart. (Not do I that much care enough to name that effort.)

While it's interesting that Riku has the ability to 'hear' his father's gaze on him, I think you meant to say that he couldn't 'feel' his gaze anymore at the end there, along with hearing the rest of his family.

Well, onto part 2!
MugetsuPipefox chapter 6 . 1/14/2014
Haha Riku should get a job as a hairdresser. Xion with curls would be so cute :3 And Dawn is so bratty! Poor Riku - I would be like him and go a little mental after a while. How does Lea do it? He must be a kid person. Great job!
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