Reviews for heels over heads
SSBN -Srta. Sophie Brief Nara chapter 1 . 12/19/2018
I'm surprised. I've wanted to read about them for a long time, but nothing good was found. Now that I know some English I tried to find fanfics in English. I take it to favorites. I love them. And your way of writing was neat.
Random Peep chapter 1 . 6/1/2016
Please continue if you can! Really is a good piece.
gingervelvet chapter 1 . 4/29/2016
Oh my god, you captured the characters SO WELL. I especially love seeing all of Natsume's thoughts and how she noticed the little things about Sasayan since I've always seen her as perceptive too? Albeit a bit oblivious at times! You also explained their relationship really well, with the constant confusion and overall skedaddling (when it comes to the two of them).

I made sure to follow this fic in case you ever have the drive to continue! But truth be told, I think the ending for this works pretty nicely already? Natsume seems to be coming to terms with her feelings and the summary did say that she fell first!

Thank you for the amazing read!
freyja0taku chapter 1 . 3/19/2016
I had fun reading this but yeah. I admit that I'm disappointed because I want MORE! xD .. aww it's so cute and funny and awesome.. hahah nvm me.. I still wish that you'll be able to finish this in the future because it's definitely great! :3
theonlyreason chapter 1 . 2/5/2016
i love this writing style! and this is just too cute ehehe :D
HikaHime27 chapter 1 . 1/30/2016
i love it!AAA but..cant u make the ending or something..?please..?
CD chapter 1 . 12/30/2015
This is amazing. I never thought I'd read a SasaNatsu fic that was so in character. I don't know how you managed to write 6000 words and still capture the canon "feel" of Natsume and Sasayan's friendship/romance but you did. Kudos to you! You're an awesome writer! This story has me HOOKED!
precisionorder chapter 1 . 8/28/2015
OMG I just started rereading TnK and I've become much more invested in Natsume and Sasayan's relationship than I ever remember being the first time 3
rasp8erry chapter 1 . 7/31/2015
“She's quavering, because she's despicable.”

ugh, i love this. i've already reviewed but reading this again, i couldn't help myself. you really captured them individually as well as together. natsume's voice—bossy, passionate, a little obsessive—made me smile. the two of them balance each other out in a way.

i really like how you juxtaposed natsume's romanticisms and her cruelty. that was definitely one of the most interesting parts of her character, how she could be so hopelessly naive and Teenage Girl but also cynical and pigheaded, reading tnk. the line explaining that while sasayan is close to everyone, no one is close to him, was also striking. it totally makes sense to me that natsume would be the one to see these bits and pieces of sasayan's personality first, not mitty or haru.

i still get such a stupid flutter in my chest thinking about these two idiots.
kawaiiotaku0405 chapter 1 . 7/10/2015
I LOVE it :D umm if you can't finish it, can you make a ending or a sequel to what happened next? PLEASE :D
Guest chapter 1 . 4/2/2015
DAMN that was amazing
Guest chapter 1 . 3/29/2015
This is so beautiful. You've captured the essence of the characters
ghostfireninja chapter 1 . 2/15/2015
I've read this before and I loved it very much then. And then I read it again and I still love it so much. This is such a wonderful fic for Sasanatsu I want to cry tears of happiness at how good you are at portraying them because this is so good. I love Sasayan here and I love Natsume here and I love the writing style here and this is just a very good read.
clairvoyantPeach chapter 1 . 2/13/2015
Dude this is so cute! You NEED to finish it! :O please?
writtenby chapter 1 . 7/14/2014
you know what i realized that i read this fanfic like a year ago and now im returning to review it anyways

sasayan is my fav character in tnk seriously and to see him portrayed so perfectly makes me happy and dang but you have a knack for writing characters so perfectly in character and compelling and understanding them

im running out of time to make a long review but i swear that if i tried to express everything i like about this it would be too long

even if you dont continue this it could be beautifully complete and this shows natsume's weaknesses perfectly and her doubts worries and perfections and sasayan's most quietly beautiful strong powerful inner strength thats what i love about him

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