Reviews for Above the Noise
ONNMT has moved chapter 1 . 12/11/2013
Again, like all of your other works, this is simply unique and very well written! Enjoyed it very much!
Ja ne.
[PS. Yes, I'm the other ONNMT, now re-named to "Inactive ONNMT", but I've moved accounts, and will review from here from now on :)]
aestheticisms chapter 1 . 11/18/2013
(hallelujah in the bg)

it's so difficult finding nate/hilda stories that really capture my interest. i think it's safe to say that you not only did that, but you've colored me impressed! the writing is gorgeous, and the characters lovely, in their brokeness.

aaaah, young love.

this piece was a pleasure to read. xxx
Evil Dream chapter 1 . 10/18/2013