Reviews for Reluctant Devotion
athome Jo chapter 25 . 7/20
I liked it!
karen4honor chapter 4 . 7/19
I know this story has been completed for years, but WTHHECK, EDWARD?!
snoopylover60 chapter 25 . 7/15
Loved this! Thank you for sharing :D
GeekMama Bee chapter 12 . 7/10
I know I'm late to the game here as I’m just finding this fic.
I'm really struggling because I just can’t figure out how this E will be "redeemed". I’m wanting B to disappear as quickly as she can.
His fist, her teeth? Omg...
xkellyxx95 chapter 24 . 5/6
Honestly as well written as this story is I couldn’t get into it. Maybe it’s because I’ve actually lived through the same exact relationship but I don’t think abuse and control should be so accepted.
MsLiss chapter 15 . 3/20
This is abuse
No sugar coating that
fanfictionalcolic chapter 25 . 11/19/2018
Well I am at loss on what to say. The story is well written but the characters (mainly Edward) have no redeeming quality. The plot is not well thought, Edward is horrible and his family is the mob but suddenly he is ok and Bella’s family is accepting of him and the fact that’s a mob family. So it’s neither a good redemption story not a true horror one where main character is really just bad.
I feel like it’s still a draft version and the plot and characters need a lot of work to make sense
Blistful2006 chapter 25 . 6/26/2018
Man did this story give me whiplash. I absolutely hated Edward at first and how he was with her. But I kept at it and it came full circle in the end. by then end I found them to both be nuts lol but loveable.
magmom4 chapter 21 . 2/15/2018
It was a great story. I loved everybody/
Guest chapter 2 . 2/14/2018
Bella said that she was stuck in his apartment at first (except school, so not really stuck) and she said that she witnessed rape, murder, and prostitution. Why would Edward do that shit out of his house? And who was being raped? WTF?
Guest chapter 1 . 2/14/2018
Bell just said that he would marry Edward if that's what he wanted but then he actually asked and shes mad? LOL Bella is a fucking moron.

And he kidnapped her...but let her go to school? LOL and she couldn't escape huh? SURE...lets pretend that makes sense. The way your story reads he didn't threaten to kill her family until later so with no threats looming why in the hell wouldn't she get away? She could very easily call the cops while at school, I'm sure almost everyone of her classmates has a cell phone. And whats with the tattoo bullshit? Bellas really fucking stupid in this.
louanne61 chapter 5 . 2/3/2018
I'm thinking that Alice is law enforcement. I can't see Edward possessive going down with her family.
louanne61 chapter 4 . 2/3/2018
Edward is a arse, I hope He doesn't hit her that is a hard limit for me.
louanne61 chapter 3 . 2/3/2018
I cant think smoking dope is going to go well with Edward. I will admit I hate any kind of drug taking. Sweet thinking of bad Edward colouring hello kitty picture.
louanne61 chapter 2 . 2/3/2018
That has got to be the worst proposal I've ever heard. Edward is such an arse.
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