Reviews for Unshaken by the Darkness, Book Two: Lights in the Shadow
GoldenW chapter 48 . 12/13/2018
As much as I loved the first book of this series, I just couldn't get into this one. It went from a unique story with a fresh perspective to another retelling of Origins. There were enough changes to keep it mildly interesting on and off, but it strayed really far from the love story I was hoping for. I ended up skipping through a good number of the chapters then losing interest.

The style of writing is amazing and the characters showed a lot of depth, but the plot itself grew boring after having read endless other retellings.
RhineCousland chapter 48 . 10/28/2018
Is there any chance you'll be returning to finish this story? I've absolutely fallen in love with everyone. Except Eamon and Howe. They're awful, but beautifully written.
Smiling cat from down under chapter 48 . 5/6/2018
love it please update soon. sad to see it hasn't been updated in awhile.
Zairazruari chapter 48 . 3/18/2017
I am so so sad to read your last author's note telling us to expect a chapter in a week or two when your amazing work has not been updated for ages. I love your writing and I do hope you will continue it someday.
Judy chapter 48 . 7/9/2015
Very well done
tyrannosaurustex chapter 48 . 7/11/2015
Yayy! You're still uploading! I was starting to wonder if something medical had happened again and was getting concerned! I'm so happy for you though! That's such great news! Congrats!
Haha, I've been thinking about Rhianna's story a lot recently because I've just picked up on my Cousland's fic again and I realized you hadn't uploaded in a while. It's so nice to have more to read again!
Anyway, the chapter: so good! Rhianna's reaction when she realizes what the broodmother is made me think about how Aliande (my Cousland Warden) would react and puzzle it out. I don’t think she'd take it quite the same way as Rhianna, and she definitely wouldn't even think of asking one of the others to kill her if her changing became a risk until after leaving the Deep makes so much sense though! Haha, I feel silly for not thinking of it before!
I'm so glad you're back; Wendy! Can't wait for more! 3 3 3
milly-finalfantasy chapter 48 . 7/10/2015
Its great to have you back again :)
Great chapter to get back into the swing of things, the deep roads were the worst part of the game for me but instrumental to the game, im glad its almost over :)
Cant wait for the next chapter :)
skidney chapter 48 . 7/9/2015
Awesome chapter!
tyrannosaurustex chapter 47 . 1/11/2015
Aww, poor Rhianna! I kind of wondered if she would be able to speak with the archdemon. That sucks that everyone cornered her though. Not cool.
excited for more! Keep up the amazing work Wendy!
kateskates24 chapter 47 . 1/11/2015
I'm losing my shit in anticipation for the eventually confrontation between loghain and her at the landsmeets. I def approve of taking Jowan too. I didn't say that before I know. Spaced on it. But i never let him die in any of my play through so XD always liked him lol
milly-finalfantasy chapter 47 . 1/11/2015
Great last 2 chapters :)
Loved 46 for the insight into how Anora is feeling atm, plus we got to see Loghain wonderful :P
I really enjoyed reading about Archdemon/Urthemiel in this chapter it was great, wonder what will happen next time they met...will Urthemiel mind be further destroyed by the taint or will he still have a little piece locked away, to be able to speak to Rhianna :)
I thought Alistair had changed for the better but then we see that his mouth and mind runs away he needs to learn to stand alone and stop conferring with Wynne.
Cant wait for the next update :)
olivegbg chapter 47 . 1/11/2015
Oh, fine comeback! I loved the Deep Roads and though I always sided with Harrowmont I can see the logic in siding with Bhelen.
skidney chapter 47 . 1/10/2015
Awesome chapter!
PhoenixDown23 chapter 46 . 12/31/2014
I am thrilled that you posted again! You really do have an amazing writing style. I completely understand hitting a writing wall after an illness, but I am glad that you have recovered and moved to the point you feel like writing again. I am looking forward to the next post. Keep up the excellent work.
kateskates24 chapter 46 . 12/21/2014
I know it's been foooorever since I posted! I'm still here though! Just caught back up! I panicked when I saw you put that there might be an inquisition spoiler lol! I haven't quite finished it yet haha!
Your story is as fantastic as ever ;) I honestly myself wouldn't be against Rhianna having a little zevran Tim Lol he sten and loghain were my favorites from the first game!
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