Reviews for The Marauder Chronicles
Shannonleaa chapter 1 . 6/12/2014
Oh my god, that intro! I haven't gotten any further yet, but the beginning is really amazing. to review that..
Guest chapter 2 . 9/23/2013
You didn't grade right:
DruidicMagic chapter 2 . 1/24/2013
I'm probably the 2000st reviewer who says this but: Please, please, please! The marks in Hogwarts are O,E,A,P,D,T - please change that :)

Great story though so far - will continue to read it!
LupinNeedsMoreAttention chapter 20 . 10/15/2011
As much as I enjoy your story, I have to point out that it shares many similar plot points with LJS4everyandAlaways2's "Hogsmeade Kiss," such as the maid of honor competition in this chapter (Hogsmeade Kiss features a competition for best man), Snape trying to slip Lily love potion, and James and Lily fighting over the way they each spend time ending in breaking off their engagement... Once again I really enjoy your story but these similarities are just to apparent.
ThursdayAngelus chapter 34 . 8/10/2011
This entire story was so beautiful and perfect in every way. I was sad to see the end of it, even that I knew it couldn't go on forever. I couldn't help but wish that someone would come to Sirius' revue, even though we all know no one does. I cried through the Potter's death, and James letter was so beautiful. This was my favorite Marauder era story.
ThursdayAngelus chapter 12 . 8/8/2011
Harry takes after his mother when it comes to dealing with the Dursleys, doesn't he? ;)
ThursdayAngelus chapter 10 . 8/7/2011
I cried. Alot.
SoriBlack chapter 34 . 6/26/2011
you should re publish this story. its fucking amazing.
Dusty Miller chapter 33 . 8/15/2010
I love, at the same time as I hate to read stories with James and Sirius. They're the most amazing friends, and you grow so fond of them, but you know that this is going to happen. James is going to die. Sirius is going to go to Azkaban. It's always heartbreaking, and to be honest, this is one of the best scenes of that dreaded October night I know of. Thank you for writing though... I want to read a story where James lives now...

Huggles & Cheers,

name doesnt matter chapter 1 . 3/28/2010
Hi Talons,

This is my first fanfition in this website. I am a HUGE fan of Harry Potter and I always loved J.K's references to to the past espcially in the fifth book. So I thought I could come to fanfic and check out some James-Sirius stories.

I love the way you have potrayed Sirius in the story. I almost cried when I was reading the end when he goes to Azkaban. I always felt that he never lived his life properly because he never got married and spent 12 years in azkaban for something he never ment to do. I am greatful to you since you have given a good life to sirius in hogwarts!

Now to JAMES. I love him so much, what a character? He definitely makes me wish all the guys were that way. You have given him a very strong character and I love that about you. He loves Lilly more than anything in world and the scenes with harry just wants you to go AW...

Lilly is a strong girl and she is a wonderful human being. According to J.K she always disliked James because he was always mean to severus because snape was her best friend until he became a death eater. But you are forgiven because you wrote this before the release of The Order Of Pheonix. I love Severus btw (even before the release of the deathy hallows because of his role in Prisoner Of Azkaban)

IWBI IS AWESOME! Seriously it seemed as though a professional author who loves fantasy would come up with. I love the idea and Ashika Narayan is a great character. All though I wish Sirius was with James but I understand the twist.

Sometimes I would wonder why you were doing stuff like killing Lilly's parents, then it struck me that if they were alive harry would go to their house instead of Petunia's.

I loved the descriptions especially the Quidditch matches. The spellings are bad(it's not like iam good at it but you've used 'aloud' instead of 'allowed', 'hear' instead of 'here'.)

Plot wise you are excellent except I think Remus should of been in the good terms with sirius because he is the one who lets sirius inside hogwarts in the Third book.( i was just mentioning that because you wanted to stick with J.K's lines...)

On the whole I've been glued to the computer's screen for one week and I enjoyed every minute of it. You have inspired me to write a fanfiction. You have written in the beginning that this fanfiction is not to be taken as the true story but I really wish it was.

Hope you become sucessful in every venture.

iewisluver chapter 34 . 1/16/2010
This story was one of the most amazing, inspiring, and well-written stories I have ever read on FanFiction. I am not emotional but I almost cried.
Cinnamon Cigarettes chapter 3 . 10/25/2008
I just got through reading the first three chapters and had to review.

They were wonderful.
Prongs1979 chapter 34 . 7/27/2008
I read this story first a very long time ago, but I still come back to it from time to time, and while I didn't have an account when I first enjoyed it, I thought it was finally time to say thank you.

This was one of my first experiences with fanfiction, and it left me with a very good impression. I can say without doubt that this story made James my favorite Harry Potter character, despite almost a nonexistant role in the actual books.

Even though I keep trying to recapture the joy I got several summers ago from reading this work, after Order of the Phoenix came out and I was mesmerized with the brief glance of James, Sirius, Lily and the whole crew, I know it won't happen again. No other fanfiction can compare.

5 summers after I originally read it, thank you.
Ultimate Angel 1990 chapter 17 . 4/10/2008
it feels realy realistic also the emotions good job i like this chapter the best. it is like a special chap for me
MissMoonyLover chapter 28 . 12/24/2007
This chapter was in NO way cliche I have never had a baby but i've seen a baby about 15 min out of the womb and what you dicribed was what i saw in the eyes of the parents. you did a god job.
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